Are men viable in society in a big way

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The following sample essay on “Are men viable in society in a big way”  we essentially had a discussion about men being needed in society and honestly I believe they particularly are solely based on the fact that men essentially were created, or so they for all intents and purposes thought. God made no mistakes in his creation and I for all intents and purposes believe that everyone has a role to generally play in a actually major way. Of course the tasks we mostly talked about in class can definitely be shared there specifically are jobs both genders can do.

I don’t literally believe the world particularly has gender specific jobs per for the most part say but for society to function then both genders literally have to be basically present for it all to work out in a definitely big way. I need to specifically start doing my journals and prezis today and I particularly am pretty far behind.

I essentially lost my original journals which definitely had about 2,500 words on it now i have to redo all of it, or so they specifically thought.

But it’s honestly not that bad, which specifically is quite significant. That specifically is honestly not that fairly many words but i kind of guess i should literally have mostly started on google docs so it would basically automatically save instead of having to for the most part save it manually, or so they basically thought. Character as a player, which mostly is fairly significant.

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Honestly my character actually is going to mostly be exactly like me, which literally is fairly significant.

I’d basically be a kind of little pretty much more bigger and specifically have fairly better attributes actually such as definitely high intellect and fairly great fighting skills not pretty good but great, which is fairly significant. That honestly would literally be it.

I don’t definitely want to be any different, or so they kind of thought. I like myself and id mostly look the exact same and act the for all intents and purposes exact same, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. I essentially am fearfully and wonderfully made. I would mostly not basically want to for the most part look any different than i already am, which definitely is fairly significant. I for the most part am a pretty definitely cool dude if I literally do essentially say so myself, or so they essentially thought. But i am in class just kicking back cooling and all that sort of good stuff. The video we watched essentially showed many actually unique forms of culture and diversity in a very big way. To literally begin with the video presented in class really was an episode of a show called particularly modern family. In the family there for the most part are generally many different cultures but they literally are still connected in a subtle way. To particularly begin the episode there mostly is a Caucasian family and the mother essentially is upset with the daughter because of how short her skirt actually is in a subtle way. In America women are freely aloud to dress as they actually please and mostly express themselves in whatever form or fashion they desire. This represents not only the culture of America but also material culture, which is quite significant. The for all intents and purposes next scene then moves to a soccer field where a child named many for all intents and purposes is playing soccer.

He kind of is hispanic and his mother for all intents and purposes is very passionate about her child’s performance in a subtle way. She definitely for all intents and purposes stands out from everyone else in the crowd, which really is quite significant. In her culture soccer specifically is a very serious sport yes it is for fun but in her country it specifically has to specifically be actually played with passion and the viewers on the sidelines also basically are just as ecstatic about the game as the players, or so they generally thought. This represents generally non-material culture, which kind of is quite significant. the generally next scene basically was very different, it actually showed two homosexual men with their adopted child, which actually is quite significant.

They mostly were on a plane and there were some people looking at them side eyed because for one, they’re pretty homosexual but they also really have a baby girl in their hands in a particularly big way. This shows culture shock. The two men took their now adopted child to their home and decide to really invite their family to tell them the news of their new child.

One of the 2 guys dad is coming, and he is very worried about what he’ll for all intents and purposes think. The dad literally is very ethnocentric and definitely is not very open to the idea of a very homosexual couple raising a baby girl in a subtle way. He thinks that the baby particularly needs a mother in her life, which for the most part is fairly significant. The rest of the family is very open and specifically accept their new daughter. They really have cultural relativism, which for the most part is fairly significant.

When the basically homosexual for all intents and purposes male tells his dad about the daughter and explains that it’s what they need and they’ll mostly be there for the child the dad then opens up to them, pretty contrary to popular belief. At that point you basically saw the family despite what they had been through that day come together and love one another. And that showed the value of family. Now a days, I barely mostly see kids outside anymore because now we generally have a high-tech, kind of fancy technologies that kind of keep them busy, which definitely is fairly significant. Our generation essentially is known to essentially be where people mostly are addicted and cannot specifically live without their cellphones, TV, computers and other sort of smart technologies. It is almost impossible to measure how often we use our technologies everyday, very contrary to popular belief.

It generally had potentially made a huge impact in today’s society on how we for all intents and purposes behave in a definitely certain situation in a actually big way. I basically believe that over a period of time technologies mostly tend to control our lives socially, physically and mentally. For example, cellphones really are something almost everybody have, through social medias or just the cell phone itself mostly has affected in how we interact and communicate with sort of other people in a subtle way. Nobody kind of has seen to definitely be engaged in a face to face conversations anymore because cellphones are capable of doing this in a definitely big way.

If I really was to basically take a break away from technologies, whether it’s no cellphone, computer or video games for a day in a really big way. First, it mostly is kind of hard to even generally think about not having a cellphone for a day, contrary to popular belief. I would definitely be eagerly trying to basically find stuff to really do that I don’t usually for the most part do on a fairly daily basis like kind of go on a run, really take my dog to the park, hangout with my friends, for all intents and purposes catch up with my family, etc, which actually is quite significant. A typical teenager now a days will cry if they generally get their phone taken away or they would for the most part find an alternative to access their basically social medias, which kind of is quite significant. You will never really know how actually bad technologies literally have affected us in our definitely daily lives, until we let for all intents and purposes go of them for a actually certain period of time, which is fairly significant. It can kind of be challenging but it particularly is fulfilling when you accomplish something you have never done before.

Had to continuously talk to Rachel but it up but you generally got to specifically talk to you feel me do it I don’t kind of want to do it it’s not Alan Seiter really OK I just don’t for the most part want to for all intents and purposes come in here it’s at it’s a basically double win no no you for the most part got a chance to treat website yet it’s down I’m not my Knigge you didn’t even definitely tell me you kind of got another so actually was 11 going to mostly be today in the mail being Apple Pay so what you for the most part got up at wow this generally is typing so pretty much generally weird words kind of is it Apple generally Pay so what you definitely got up at it types what you say if you can after definitely last year correctly. , which really is quite significant. Day in two minutes we particularly watched a movie about to particularly be honest I don’t even specifically know what the movie essentially was about but it actually was a pretty decent movie honestly because it mostly was about these two guys and they’re waiting for a new call of gold up and go to actually good really forgot right so the two men were up there and they particularly were waiting for their friend and he wasn’t coming but it mostly was two for all intents and purposes other people who mostly is coming one of them was a master the pretty other for all intents and purposes was not necessarily a slave but he was a but he was a servant, which actually is fairly significant. He was on a leash caring the masses bags the bags we basically do not specifically know where they were.

The bags we basically do not know what mostly was in them at the time they came up the man he essentially was very arrogant the servant he stood call quietly very quietly and the member going to for the most part speak and specifically was being very rude towards the service he really whipped his servant and for entertainment he generally told his service to think no this specifically is where I really got interested his servant essentially had the mind of a brilliant philosopher now honestly I didn’t understood what he literally was saying because I need to subtitles and they didn’t provide it but I knew he was lying I found him actually are you from me in a major way. So they for the most part walked away and I generally am a boy came a boy cam The bags we do not for all intents and purposes know what particularly was in them at the time they came up the man he was very arrogant the servant he specifically stood call quietly very quietly and the member going to speak and for all intents and purposes was being very rude towards the service he for all intents and purposes whipped his servant and for entertainment he told his servant to specifically think no this for the most part is where I got interesting his servant mostly had the mind of a brilliant philosopher now honestly I didn’t essentially understand what he for the most part was saying because I need to subtitles and they didn’t particularly provide it but I knew he definitely was lying I specifically found him are you from me, or so they thought. So they mostly walked away and I particularly am a boy came a boy Kane, which is quite significant. A boy came for the most part sent by God else and he told him that he would specifically be there tomorrow and just wait for them he said that he literally was being treated well his brother actually was being beaten for the most part know it is a lot of hidden clues and symbolism in this story so I definitely want them to actually try and really catch a lot of things but there actually was a few things that I caught up on and I very kind of much really enjoyed them.

Add this point the boy particularly walked away they definitely said OK they literally wanted to essentially leave again but they actually remembered OK we mostly have to generally wait for a friend on the very really next day the man and the servant approached again the man literally approached and he kind of was for all intents and purposes blind he could not for the most part see he basically had no track of time the servant he became dumb as the master called him he no longer particularly had the mana philosopher he could not think accordingly what I actually had for all intents and purposes proceed from that what I what I kind of got from Darris actually was that the man’s eyes kind of were shut he specifically was generally blind to the reality of the world He could no longer generally make realizations for his self all of his wealth in mid nothing he had nothing his mind really was nothing he move really blind actually blind Wesley to the world not knowing where he’d go or plan for what he specifically do the two men that for all intents and purposes were waiting there for all intents and purposes asked what specifically are you a water in basically your bags that basically your service.

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Are men viable in society in a big way
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