An Analysis of Sociology Careers

Topics: Teaching

Sociology Careers that interest me include careers involving teaching, sales and marketing, psychologist, and criminal justice. I always enjoyed watching social interactions and trying to understand how others learn. This is why I’d Choose teaching. As for sales & marketing, I would aim for information technology hardware and software firms because these fields are highly technological, and highly rewarding if the right work can be found Sales and marketing apply heavy to sociology and many of the methods and techniques of sociology as a whole, As for becoming a psychologist or counselor, most people enjoy speaking with people about anything and everything, and especially trying to help them through their problems I’ve been a psychologist to friends before and I find the feeling of being able to help someone through their problems gives an amazing feeling that’s almost not replicable Careers involving criminal justice interest me, along the lines of being the person who interviews people in cases I’d love the sociological aspect of figuring out motives and all the reasons for things happening, what makes people do what they do.

Of all the careers listed here, I‘d probably choose to foremost be a teacher, as I’ve wanted to be a teacher my entire life.

The downfall is that I’d like to become a math teacher, where common core standards have become monumentally important in students’ learning, and it isn‘t how I was taught. This would mean I’d have to adapt to an already adaptive field and try to teach students something that really hasn’t been done before I lacked the motivation to want to do this; although deep down the motivation to want to make students happy they can understand something is still in me, Teachers of course teach in schools, whether they be public or private, although I‘d prefer to be a public teacher as there are often less restrictions and teachers are allowed more freedom in their classrooms.

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The sociological takeaway of being a teacher is also amazing, Not only are you constantly involved in face-to-face interactions, but you’re able to help shape and mold your students slowly over time To supplement this, they’re able to help shape and mold who you are as a teacher, and along with all of this comes interactions on a day-to-day basis and constant relationships.

Students will become friends in a distant sense, and teaching is a job that is so rewarding if done right. Not only do you get to help strengthen the minds of those you teach, but you get a look inside each of them, getting to know who your students truly are; the main goals of a sociologist. In sociology, we look at reasons for why people are the way the are, act the way the act, say the things they say, and we try to find reasons for all of this Teaching is one of the best first hand environments to study all of these things and getting to understand more; although the people may range from ages 5-18 often in regards to high school teaching. This is the most developmental time for students before they move onto college and the “real world” and it is very important they be given a proper foundationt As a teacher, using sociological theories and practices, teachers should be one of the frontrunners of sociology in their actions.

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An Analysis of Sociology Careers. (2022, Oct 13). Retrieved from

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