About Factors On Which Brain Health Depends

Brain health is the capacity to learn, remember, concentrate, play, and sustain clear active mind (What is Brain Health?). The ability of the brain have optimum performance depends on six pillars that include physical exercise, food and nutrition, medical health, mental fitness, sleep and relaxation, and social interaction (Healthy Brains).

b) An individual can only have a healthy brain if he or she balances the six pillars. Emphasizing on one or two while neglecting others achieve the exact opposite. For instance, focusing on food and nutrition while assuming physical exercise or mental fitness do not achieve much in terms of improving the brain’s health.


a) Physical Fitness

It facilitates blood flow throughout the body including the brain. Increase in blood flow to the brain means it receives enough oxygen to facilitate its functioning. Besides, physical exercise stimulates the brain to secrete chemical necessary for learning and thinking.

b) Food and Nutrition

There is a common saying “You are what you eat” meaning the food taken plays an instrumental role in determining both physical and mental health.

The brain is usually exposed to harmful environmental factors like oxidants that impairs its optimum functioning. Eating foods containing anti-oxidants minimizes the adverse impacts of these environmental factors.

c) Sleep and Relaxation

Sleep reduces the chances of Alzheimer’s disease as it minimizes the buildup of beta-amyloid plaque. This abnormal protein is responsible for Alzheimer’s disease. Besides, sleep and relaxation gives the brain time to reenergizes and replace the worn out cells.

d) Mental Fitness

Just like physical exercise, mental fitness is critical in keeping the brain healthy and fit.

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It improves the functioning and regeneration of the brain cells. Also, it enhances concentration and learning since it engages the brain to solve situational problems.

e) Medical Health

Medication helps in controlling conditions like depression, diabetes, obesity, head trauma, and dementia that adversely impairs the functioning of the brain. A brain only operates optimally if other parts of the body are in good health. For instance, it needs oxygenated blood to function which means the lungs, heart, and blood vessels all play a role in the process. Any medical condition like diabetes that impairs their functioning directly impacts the brain’s health.


Maintaining a healthy brain relies on the ability to balance the six critical pillars. The pillars include food and nutrition, medical health, physical exercise, sleep and relaxation, mental fitness, and social interaction. These six pillars create a holistic system that improves the functioning and health of the brain.

Annotated Bibliography

McGarel, C., et al. ‘Emerging roles for folate and related B-vitamins in brain health across the lifecycle.’ Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 74.1 (2015): 46-55. 18 11 2018.

This article by McGarel and colleagues published in 2015 discusses the importance of nutrition in brain development. Particularly, it focuses on the roles of folate and B- vitamins in brain health. Firstly, the four authors have both academic qualification and experience to conduct a credible research on the subject. Secondly, the study is only three years old means its findings are still applicable today. It helps in the understanding of the relationship between nutrition and brain health.

Thierry, Paillard, Yves Rolland and Philipe de Souto Barreto. ‘Protective effects of physical exercise in Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease: a narrative review.’ Journal of clinical neurology, 11.3 (2015): 212-219. 18 11 2018.

In this article, the authors evaluate the importance of physical exercise in reducing the chances of contracting Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. These two are medical conditions that are caused by the brain’s inability to function optimally. For instance, Alzheimer’s disease refers to the loss of cognitive abilities which can lead to dementia. The article was published in 2015 making it a credible source of information. Besides, the authors have academic and research experience to conduct a credible study. Also, it is peer-reviewed and published in one of the very credible clinical journals. It helps in to establish the role of physical exercise in maintaining a healthy brain.

Steven, Heine J. Cultural psychology: Third International Student Edition. WW Norton & Company, 2015.

In this book, Steven Heine discusses the relationship between culture and psychology. He evaluates the role of cultural practices in brain health. Steve discusses cultural aspects like morality, religion, and socialization. WW Norton and Company is one of the world’s renowned publishers and their publications undergo a rigorous process before publishing. The book is thus a reliable source of information.

Proposal Essay

Human’s ability to perform his or her duties relies on the brain’s capability to function optimally. Just like any other part of the body, a brain functions well when it is healthy. An individual hoping to have a healthy brain thus have to undertake various measures summarized in six pillars. They include physical exercise, mental fitness, socialization, medical health, food and nutrition, and sleep and relaxation. Physical exercise helps in keeping the body organs healthy by improving blood circulation throughout the body. The brain relies on the blood to supply it with oxygen and also takes away the wastes. Increase in blood circulation thus improves its functioning as it receives sufficient oxygen supply. Besides, an individual uses the brain to coordinate his or her activities while undertaking the exercise thus exercising the brain hence improving concentration and learning (Thierry, Rolland, and Barreto). Similarly, food and nutrition play an essential role in keeping the brain healthy. The brain, like other body organs, requires energy to function or replace the dead cells. Folates and Vitamin B plays this role by facilitating the replenishing of the dead brain cells (McGarel, Pentieva, and Strain).

In conclusion, brain health depends on several factors including food and nutrition, physical and mental exercise, and having enough sleep. The brain can only function optimally if it is in good health.


Healthy Brains. 2018. 18 November 2018. .
McGarel, C., et al. ‘Emerging roles for folate and related B-vitamins in brain health across the lifecycle.’ Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 74.1 (2015): 46-55. 18 11 2018.
Steven, Heine J. Cultural psychology: Third International Student Edition. WW Norton & Company, 2015.
Thierry, Paillard, Yves Rolland and Philipe de Souto Barreto. ‘Protective effects of physical exercise in Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease: a narrative review.’ Journal of clinical neurology, 11(3) (2015): 212-219. 18 11 2018.
What is Brain Health? 2018. 18 November 2018.

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About Factors On Which Brain Health Depends. (2022, Jul 15). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/about-factors-on-which-brain-health-depends/

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