A Review of Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, a Sermon by Jonathan Edwards

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                                       Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards

In this sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God’’, by Jonathan Edwards, the author tries to persuade his readers that being a member of the Church doesn’t prove that you’re not going to hell.

You need to personally experience a transforming moment in which you felt God’s grace. This sermon may refer to God as full of wrath and anger to men. And men are nothing but wicked sinners who’s going to end up going to hell. But, it actually shows God’s love for men but as some readers may see it, this sermon shows God’s displeasure with men.

In this sermon, God is not described as the God we all have an impression of. He is said to be full of wrath and hate and all he wants to do is send us down to hell. He is disgusted with us because of our wicked ways.

God thinks of us as abominable and wicked and that we are worth nothing. Edwards describes as if God hates men more than anything else. He hates us like how we hate a loathsome insect. But does God really think of us that way? It may be described that God hates us, but God is just angry with us. He may seem mean and hateful, but truth is, he loves us more than anything. Edwards described men like a spider dangling on its web above death.

He says that God is ready to cut that web and let us drop into the fiery pit of hell.

But God didn’t. If God hates us so much, he would cut that thread instantly. Edwards meant to state that God’s only desire is to keep us from falling into that pit. He can let us go anytime but he won’t. Yes, God is angry with us always disobeying him by sinning and doing wrong. But he is willing to give us a chance to be ‘bon again’. If we are ‘born again’, it is meant that we saw the salvation of Christ and is willing to change. Edwards wants us to know, that even if we’re a religious person, it doesn’t give us the right to sin or do wrong. It doesn’t mean we’re not going to hell, and it doesn’t mean we’re going to heaven. This sermon is to tell men that God loves us and he is trying to prevent us from hell. He hopes that we will be ‘born again’.

This sermon may seem loud and bold and make it seem that God is angry and unforgiving. But he loves us. Edwards is trying to state that God is under no obligation to us men. He is voluntarily saving us. Edwards is reaching out this message to all ‘natural men’, those who sin and those who never felt God’s grace and hopes that they can understand this sermon and change.

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A Review of Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, a Sermon by Jonathan Edwards. (2022, Apr 21). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-review-of-sinners-in-the-hands-of-an-angry-god-a-sermon-by-jonathan-edwards/

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