3 Conflict Management Skills for Success

After picking through the many options of essays at www.adrr.com, I ended up choosing an essay titled Without these Three Skills you may Fail at Conflict Management; by Dr, Rick Voyles in “Essay Index Four, Dialogues and Essays.” Dr. Voyles began the essay on the basis that the majority of people mutually dislike conflict. He goes on to describe his expertise in conflict management, and the reputation of being a “peacemaker.” While he emphasizes the importance and meaning of conflict management training, Drt Voyles points out three main concepts that drive to its success.

The three concepts an individual needs to have to be successful in conflict management are “communication skills, negotiation skills, and resolution skills.” The first concept Drt Voyles stresses is communication skills he describes communication skills as one of the most important parts of conflict management, but also one of the most misleading parts as well.

Drt Voyles states that, “98% of all conflict management training on the market today consists of communication skills training,” The problem that comes with primarily focusing on communication skills, when training in conflict management, is that the other two key components of negotiation and resolution are vital to your success.

Dr. Voyles clearly expresses that one who wants to pursue a profession in conflict management will never meet their full potential unless all three concepts are mastered the second concept discussed is negotiation skills. In Dr. Voyles’s essay, he states that “very few people ever get negotiation training” Due to this matter, many people end up dealing with conflicts in the wrong way.

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Instead of trying to negotiate to find a resolution, many people who are short of this specific training try to convince or influence a person’s opinion

This usually makes the situation worse than it was previously, negotiation skills are sometimes seen to be combined with the third skill set of conflict management: Resolution. Dri Voyles’s third and final concept to conflict management is resolution. Although Dr.Voyles describes that the skill sets of negotiation and resolution are sometimes seen as “a single skill set,” he undoubtedly claims they are very much different. What makes resolution training unlike negotiation training is the “need for exploration and development of the self determination perspective.” In retrospect, both negotiation and resolution skill sets are useless without one another. Dr Voyles concludes his essay by criticizing the techniques of common conflict management training. He states that the training today “looks for quick and easy fixes, and then wonders why people cannot take their training outside of the learning environment and into their daily lives.” it is because there is much more to conflict management training than that. Conflicts are not always going to be a quick and easy fix Until the “trilogy of skills is embraced,” communication, negotiation and resolution, the probability of a successful outcome in a conflict will be unlikely.

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3 Conflict Management Skills for Success. (2023, Mar 20). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/which-three-skills-does-one-have-to-have-to-be-successful-in-conflict-management/

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