The Need for Databases as the Heart of Running a Business


The databases we use to hold all information about the daily transactions and important customer information. Our Microsoft Access databases are custom-built to suit the business needs. The databases utilize the Structured Query Language (SQL) Server to run security and transactions. The SQL server provides client computers with highly efficient access to database files. SQL is a relational database management system for building business applications with increased data protection.

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Information in one database is linked to another database or a spreadsheet on another network or system.

Access to these databases is very limited because of security. The databases we use hold any information. In the ISP Company, we use a database called RODOPI. This database is the most important in the entire company.

The need for databases

In my field, the need for databases is the heart of running the business. The databases we use to hold all information about the daily transactions and important customer information. Since I run work in an IT department and I run a small ISP, I will discuss the two major databases we use at both locations.

In the IT department, we use several types of databases from Microsoft Access to the shelf third-party software. Our Microsoft Access databases are custom-built to suit the business needs. The databases utilize the Structured Query Language (SQL) Server to run security and transactions.

The SQL server provides client computers with highly efficient access to database files. SQL is a relational database management system for building business applications with increased data protection. The SQL server acts like an engine providing enhanced performance for data access and delivery of data from your server to the workstation.

My company has hundreds of databases that are all connected in one way or another. Information in one database is linked to another database or a spreadsheet on another network or system. Access to these databases is very limited because of security. Since these databases are linked together in many ways, each department can only see what they need to access to complete their work. The only person or group that has total control of the relationship of the databases would be the IT department, mainly the Database Administrator (DBA). This group adds the users to the groups for access and security. They also assign what the user will and will not see once logged on the network.

The databases we use hold any information. This information can be pay role, delivery dates, invoices, Purchase orders, faxes, e-mails, and much more. Each section of the database has its specific function. If the database did not exist, we would have to revert to paperwork which will slow down productivity. We will then have to hand-write everything down and make a lot of phone calls and faxes to accomplish a simple task. Since we use a database, all users from customers to employees will have access to the information; furthermore, the data can be entered by many workstations simultaneously.

One of the advantages of databases is that they can be published on the web so the customer can be informed about all that he or she needs. Also, a customer can order directly from the web. Once all information has been filled out on a Web form, it is already in the system. An order can then be processed without having to make phone calls to confirm an order. The customer can get all that information and keep track of his or her order.

In the ISP Company, we use a database called RODOPI. This database application also needs SQL to run properly because of the queries associated with the database. This database is the most important in the entire company. It is the gateway to getting a customer to sign up for a new account. It also manages billing and trouble tickets. Once a customer signs up with a new account, the database will enter all the information gathered from the customer into the Windows NT server User manager; additionally, it will create the customer’s e-mail account as well utilizing Microsoft Exchange Server. It will work with other servers but it works best with Microsoft servers.

In the past week, the Internet was hit with a major worm that damaged many computer systems around the world. It caused so many problems and headaches for many companies. After talking with several ISP companies in the building, I realized that we had all been doing the same thing for the past week. We were taking trouble calls and helping our customers fix their systems. The way we tracked all the incoming calls is by using RODOPI. All data about all calls can be logged in the database to keep track of who is calling, what they needed if the issue has been resolved, and if further assistance is required after closing the ticket.

Databases are a great asset to every company that knows how to use the information gathered wwithinits tables; however, they can be a little complicated to administer and manage. The one thing I think could use some security improvements. There is no such thing as a secured system. Someone somewhere will always find a way to get into a system.

SQL Server has many security holes that will need patching. If a systems administrator does not patch the server, a potential worm, virus, or hacker could gain access to the data. I see hackers daily trying to hack into the customer database to access their credit card information. If the server was not using a third-party security system like a firewall and anti-virus software, the customer information will be stolen and compromised.

MicrosofAccessss also has its flaws. It has improved over the years, but like SQL, it also has its security holes. Additionally, if MS Access is running without SQL, it can only hold so much data before it has to be purged. If the data reaches two gigabytes, it will not function correctly. Also, it will slow down and use up a lot of the workstation’s resources.

Databases are vital for almost every company in today’s business world. The database can help us track inventory, billing, pay roles d much more. Without the use of databases, work will take longer to accomplish. Another great feature about having a database in place is that a record of all transitions can be kept for auditing and statistic reporting.

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The Need for Databases as the Heart of Running a Business. (2022, Jun 21). Retrieved from

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