Junior Volunteer Experience at Sharp Grossmont Hospital

There are numerous reasons why I chose to apply for the Junior Volunteer program at Sharp Grossmont Hospital. I have had many friends that have volunteered for this program and each of them told me what a rewarding and amazing experience they received from the program and I wanted to feel how they felt while constantly helping others. Volunteering is extremely gratifying as it gives me a chance to get involved in activities and jobs that are a part of my future career path.

It is extremely satisfying to know that I’ve contributed in my own little way to make others’ lives better. Volunteering gives me an opportunity to look beyond my own needs and help those that need more than I do.

Volunteering is an excellent way to fill life with positive actions and experience an amazing sense of achievement. Working at a hospital is precisely what I am looking for to further help advance my knowledge of working with or around patients and their families and learning more about the field that I am interested in, as well as provide me with opportunities to learn more about the health care industry.

As well as the fulfilling experience I would receive from volunteering, I am also looking to get extra service hours while working in a field of work that I am interested in to help me with my college applications.

I feel that I would be able to enhance the Sharp experience with my positive energy and willingness to do any task set out for me.

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I have an optimistic outlook on life and I am able to always look past the negative to set my sights on what really matters. I pride myself on my work ethic and I always put others before myself. At my school, I am involved in theatre and ASB so I am not afraid to step out of my comfort zone to ensure that others are getting what they need and feeling great about themselves and their lives no matter what the circumstances are. I am always ready to be serious when I need to be and I stay ready for anything that comes my way. I am an affable and polite person when it comes to helping anybody with what they need and I make sure that I keep myself well informed so as to not seem uneducated and unprofessional.

Helping people is a passion of mine and is one of the many reasons why I aspire to become a pediatrician and work with children to truly give them and their families the greatest experience they can obtain with people that are there to solely help them and make sure they feel confident about the treatment they are receiving.

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Junior Volunteer Experience at Sharp Grossmont Hospital. (2023, Feb 15). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/the-experience-of-volunteering-in-the-junior-volunteer-program-at-sharp-grossmont-hospital/

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