The Crucial Supply Chain Management to Many Organizations' Operations

Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a crucial part of many organizations’ operations SCM promotes complete control and knowledge about one‘s supply chain, making it easy to identify difficulties in its smooth transmission between nodes and how to cut costs in its use, While Supply Chain Management is traditionally applied to physical goods and services, its principles can also be used in other ways, beneficial to the organization The following essay will explore how the SCM approach can be used to evaluate a type of graining in an organization which I worked in the past.

The training program which I will use an example is one that was designed to train lower level employees in management techniques. Because the plan was implemented several years ago and has since ended, I can easily reflect on its shortcomings and strong points, Unfortunately, the program turned out to be a relative failure Few employees who received the training were ultimately promoted and those that were proved to be poor managers and soon either left or were let go from their positions.

The training program will be evaluated based on the five stages of SCM, which are plan, develop, make, deliver, and return. Plan The training program was planned with a specific intent and goal in mind The target audience was defined as well as the outcomes for completion. It seems however, that those who planned the program put little thought into the actual teaching, as the curriculum was largely developed on the spot by existing managers who were brought in to offer insight to employees The managers were given little direction and thus had individual discretion over their teaching.

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This stage was completely overlooked by management, Relationships were poorly developed and employees in the program had little time to bond with their mentors and leaders. Furthermore, the conditions and outcomes of the training program were rarely communicated to employees besides the overarching goal of making them better managerially. Make This stage was also overlooked. Managers who were supposed to do the teaching were not given specific tasks, Instead, they were instructed to provide any information that they thought was valuable to being a manager. While some of the managers planned ahead with directed powerpoint presentation and information, others combined the make and deliver stages by simply coming in and discussing information they thought of at that moment. Deliver As said in the previous paragraph, many of the managers delivered their information as they thought of it in front of the group. With little direction and planning beforehand, much of the information overlapped and there a great oversight of many of the fundamental techniques of management.

The delivery was poorly planned as well, with many managers towards the beginning discussing detailed techniques and several managers at the end of the program discussing broad basics of management. Because of this, there was a great deal of confusion among the parties and little information was transferred in the actual deliver stage. Return Finally, the in the return stage, the customers were not listened to. The customers in this case would have been the employees. Despite numerous complaints that they had learned little, the employees were deemed to have completed the program and many were subsequently promoted, with poor results. Had the managers followed SCM methodology in implementing the program, there is no doubt it would have been more successfuli I know I will suggest this methodology in future planning implementations in my own companies.

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The Crucial Supply Chain Management to Many Organizations' Operations. (2022, Sep 10). Retrieved from

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