Tennessee Walking Horse WGC

Topics: OtherWalking

Every now and then a special bond occurs between a father and a daughter. It all began when my dad saw a Christmas promotion in the newspaper stating that Lowest home improvement store was giving away “Dusty” the pony on Christmas Eve, no purchase necessary. Dad was only 9 years old, but he got my grandmother to drop him off at Lowest the morning of the drawing. “And the winner of Dusty the pony is … Andrew Waiters (my dad)! Dad then got a Job at a Tennessee Walking Horse stable where the owner agreed to board and feed Dusty in exchange for my dad’s irking at the barn after school.

Two years later, the owner took my dad to the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration.

It was then that my dad saw Reeves Little Boy crowned World Grand Champion Tennessee Walking Pony. My dad told himself that if he could ever afford a “real” walking horse, he would want it to be Just like Reeves Little Boy and win the Pony World Grand Championship.

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When I was around 8 years old, my dad took me to a Walking Horse barn.

I loved riding the huge, high stepping show horses, so my dad bought me my first horse. No there thrill topped showing in a ring full of horses with a great audience watching, even though most of the time I came out without a ribbon. More importantly, showing provided a gateway for a father/daughter relationship unlike any other I know. I began to dream about winning a World Grand Championship.

After several years, my dad presented me with Prime Polios, a spectacular horse and together we became the leading contenders for the Juvenile World Grand Champion Walking Pony. At the Celebration however, I was disqualified over a minor technicality. To make matters rose, I was the leading contender again the next year, and was once again disqualified for another minor Infraction! Not giving up, I returned to the ring for a third and probably last time. This time, Prime Polios and I won the preliminary class and qualified for the World Grand Championship the following week. As show time arrived, I began to get nervous for the first time since Dad and I began this Journey.

Having 30,000+ people watching every move Prime Polios and I made In the ring was quite nerve racking. Prime Polios was spectacular, and I was overwhelmed when I eared the announcer call out “The winner of the 2010 World Grand Champion Walking Pony Is … Lilly Wallets and Prime Polios! Everything blurred and I could hardly stay on Prime Polios as we made our victory lap to the applause of 30,000 people. Dad understood that my ride on Prime Polios that August night was the fulfillment of my 7-year dream, and I understood that my ride had fulfilled my dad’s 37-year dream. Two dreams fulfilled with one ride! Tennessee Walking Horse WAC By Toastiest dad presented me with Prime Poison, a spectacular horse and together we became qualified for another minor infraction!

Not giving up, I returned to the ring for a third and probably last time. This time, Prime Poison and I won the preliminary class Having 30,000+ people watching every move Prime Poison and I made in the ring was quite nerve racking. Prime Poison was spectacular, and I was overwhelmed when I Walking Pony is . . Lilly Waiters and Prime Poison! ” Everything blurred and I could hardly stay on Prime Poison as we made our victory lap to the applause of 30,000 Dad understood that my ride on Prime Poison that August night was the

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Tennessee Walking Horse WGC. (2018, Aug 17). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-tennessee-walking-horse-wgc/

Tennessee Walking Horse WGC
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