Hemingway Hero Sample Paper

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The book Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway is one like most Hemingway books. It contains. like most of his plants. concealed significances in the texts. Not merely that. but the chief character is one of an adventuresome. glamourous life style. much like Hemingway himself. Santiago. the chief character of The Old Man and the Sea.

has been debated over the subject as to whether or non he is really worthy to be deemed a “Hemingway Hero. ”

The “Hemingway Hero”

In each of Hemingway’s books. he puts uniqueness in each chief character that remains true throughout all his books. This singularity is a combination of qualities that place the character in a class of a “Hemingway Hero. ” What precisely are these qualities? Well. foremost away. a Hemingway Hero depends entirely on himself. and is wholly autonomous: a lone wolf at bosom.

“Participating in Nature makes the Hemingway Hero experience alive and invigorated. for nature offers him an chance to prove his accomplishments through signifiers of competition. such as hunting and fishing. ” ( Dwiggins ) . Therefore. a Hemingway Hero besides enjoys nature. every bit far as to the point of coinciding or even looking to trust on Natures Company. It is normally a male. who would confront danger volitionally because he believes that his worth as a adult male is measured by his ability to digest. A hero made by Hemingway positions personal force ( healthy competition between two worthy oppositions ) as something necessary and good to life.

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Santiago Old Man And The Sea

The Hemingway Hero. by viing with an every bit skilled opposition. can turn out his manhood through such testing of endurance. bravery. strength. and spirit. He faces Death as any human. nevertheless. see a battle to the decease as an ultimate challenge of his worth. and progresss to confront such challenges with supreme self-respect. Although the hero does this. he is seldom satisfied on his life or achievements. and proves himself once more and once more. He holds utmost familiarity with nature. keeping a deep grasp for her sights. sounds. and odors. Most of all. the Hemingway Hero displays four really of import qualities that finally complete the being as a Hemingway Hero. These qualities are bravery. award. endurance. and “grace under force per unit area. ”


The chief character Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea completes his offshore journey. tests. and trials with much bravery indoors. “Santiago. throughout his adversities of his three-day battle with the marlin. shows bravery by maintaining at the undertaking. no affair how tired he gets. and ‘going the distance. ’ ( Dwiggins ) . This “going the distance” she speaks of is non merely the fact that he went the distance by keeping onto the marlin. and non allowing it travel. but besides traveling out further than the remainder of the fisherman usually would. Not merely did he travel further than the fisherman in that factor. but besides in the factor of vowing for a battle with the Marlin to the decease.

He was non traveling to allow travel. no affair the cost. “Just as Santiago goes ‘far out’ beyond the lesser aspirations of the other fishermen. he finds the great fish non merely because he was the better fisherman. but because. in a symbolic sense. he deserves it. ” ( Davis 6 ) . Why does Santiago merit this great gimmick? Well. merely put. he had the bravery to travel out and look for it. unlike the other fishermen. Besides. to travel out every bit far as he did uncover another thought of his bravery. His boat could hold easy capsized. or he could’ve gotten lost out in the deep blue sea. The bravery to travel out every bit far as he did assist his nomination for the award of being named a “Hemingway Hero. ”


Honor is another clearly shown feature of Santiago throughout The Old Man and the Sea. “Furthermore it helps him gain the deeper regard of the small town fisherman and secures him a prized company of the boy–he knows that he will ne’er hold to digest such an heroic poem battle in his full life. ” ( Mitchell 506 ) . The deeper regard of the fisherman and besides the company of the male child are a type of award that is really particular. Santiago. in footings of this type or award. has earned it severally. and deserves to be recognized. However. non merely is it earned. it is shown off in a slightly proud mode through his action in the book.

“Santiago stands entirely in the degree of his committedness to his trade and in his function as the hero who must prove himself against his ain infirmity. His defence against the entropy of the experience is precision…The value of such a method is confirmed by the presence of the Great fish…he finds the great fish no merely because he was a better fisherman. but because. in a symbolic sense. he deserves it…Such a deep concern with the quality of Santiago’s actions reflects Hemingway’s ain concern with style…the more brave the act. the greater it’s beauty. lucidity. and ethical pureness. ” ( Davis 5-6 ) .

Santiago’s committedness to angling entirely is a behaviour that deserves to be honored. as most fishermen after 80 plus yearss of fishless returns to the small town. Catching such a great sized fish deserves honor. as seeking his best to support it from sharks. With his brave act. it increases his award in its ain beauty. and lucidity. As you can see. Santiago displays great sums of award throughout his ordeal. and non merely shows it. and earns it. but besides lightly flaunts it in the terminal.


Specifying the “Hemingway Hero. ” one can non overlook the feature of endurance throughout The Old Man and the Sea. Santiago’s Struggle is genuinely a trial. and in the terminal. a conquered effort of endurance. He fights the Marlin. despite the hurting and achings all over his organic structure he suffers. Not merely is Santiago digesting physical things. but he is besides digesting the fact of being socially isolated from the small town throughout the narrative. “Despite holding received a bad trade from the universe. the Hemingway Hero preserves in his hunt for a good life. making his ain intending out of the pandemonium of being. ” ( Magill 1171 ) .

Harmonizing to Frank N. Magill. Santiago has received following to nil from the universe. yet he still endures whatever may be put upon him ; he ne’er backs down from a challenge. Besides. one time he has begun a challenge. he will non halt until the undertaking is complete. or decease. It will be either him or the Marlin. Hemingway’s Heroes normally have a history. or are presently being scarred by some kind of traumatising experience. including war. or force. In comparing with Santiago. it proves true with the fact that Santiago is in fact enduring. and puts him closer to the rubric or a Hemingway Hero.

“Grace under Pressure”

Despite holding all the qualities of bravery. award. and endurance. one can non be even considered without the feature of holding “grace under force per unit area. ” “Despite his losing the Marlin to sharks. Santiago maintains a purposive. peaceable resoluteness with his destiny. a epic self-respect typifying the “victory in defeat” ideal that Hemingway recurrently addressed in his fiction. ” ( Harris 172 ) . As Stated by Harris. Santiago maintains his act of “grace under force per unit area. ” but what about the beginning of the Novel? Does he larn to maintain “grace under pressure” through his ordeal? Or has he already achieved this addition before traveling out. “Santiago at the start is more like. say. a husbandman who has a series of hapless crops. His quandary is that of mean humanity in its daily attempt to maintain traveling.

That is why he is more loosely representative of the human race than any other Hemingway character. ” ( Hovey 3 ) . Clearly. Santiago learned this “grace under force per unit area. ” but it was before the start of the book. when his bad fortune started. Although he learned it before the ordeal. it took his test and trial with the Marlin to be able for a reader to clearly acknowledge the show. Santiago’s ordeal is much like the crucifixion. as he has “grace under force per unit area. ” like Christ on the cross ( Stoltzfus 7 ) . Santiago. in his pursuit to go a Hemingway Hero. has expeditiously achieved the quality of “grace under force per unit area. ”

Santiago. the chief character. of The Old Man and the Sea has easy achieved the all of import character traits of holding award. bravery. endurance. and “grace under force per unit area. ” Through this cognition. we can clearly. and eventually reason that Santiago can so be deemed a Hemingway Hero.

Plants Cited

Davis. Carl. “Overview of The Old Man and the Sea. ” Researching Novels ( 2003 ) : Student resource centre. Lee High School Library. Midland. TX. 18 March 2004. .

Dwiggins. Mary. Hemingway Defines the Code Hero as. Millikin University. 18 April 2004. .

Harris. Laurie Lanzen. Fictional characters in twentieth Century Literature. Detroit: Gale Research Inc. . 1990. 167-168.

Hovey. Richard B. “The Old Man and the Sea: A new Hemingway Hero. ” Discourse: A Review of Liberal Arts. Vol. IX. No 3 ( Summer 1996 ) : 283-94.

Magill. Frank N. Ed. Critical Survey of Long Fiction. Pasadena: Salem Press. 1991. 1595-1607.

Mitchell. Sharie P. A Guide to American Literature. 2nd erectile dysfunction. New York: Bantam Books. 1998.

Stoltzfus. Ben. “Gide and Hemingway: Rebels against God. ” Exploring Novels ( 2003 ) : 39t. Students Resource Center. Lee High School Library. Midland. TX. 18 March 2004. .

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Hemingway Hero Sample Paper. (2019, Dec 07). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-santiago-the-hemingway-hero-essay/

Hemingway Hero Sample Paper
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