Forrest Gump Book Review

Topics: Books

I will say this: the life of an idiot – not sugar. People laugh at first, then irritated, and start treating you badly – so begins the story of Forrest Gump, which all certainly remember on the same film

What to say about this book.? The fact that it was written on behalf of the Forrest makes it touchingly naive, is hilariously funny, something achingly sad … It’s funny to read how our hero quite seriously preparing a lemonade from canned peaches, squeezing them through a sock in a jar.

But, on the other hand, are very impressive words of the hero of the Vietnam War and its victims of lost there legs Lieutenant Dan or of the deceased Babb …

Forrest’s story is almost devoid of emotion, but it only makes it more expressive. “Huh,” Gump eyes we see deystvitelkost only more brightly and clearly, our objective is not limited to views or emotions of the hero. And what appears before our eyes?

Faceless, with rare exceptions, the mass of greedy people willing to do anything for a career, success, and fame, and it does not matter that it will be five minutes, and smelly … (remember for some reason, the modern Russian television with its “houses”).

Author ridiculed everything: the military who launched the war in Vietnam, and presidents with their subordinates, the space program and the educational system, particularly higher, show business and social movements … But he did it so easy, so natural, that he could avoid moralizing .

So in conclusion I would say that the film does not duplicate the book.

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In the novel there are many scenes that were not included in the film, and perhaps a good thing that were not included (ie, that the book seems to be quite acceptable, the film would be brute-force). But sorry, that Groom I met my favorite episode run in America

In general, I must say that the book – was amazing. The familiar, attractive to many characters, interesting plot and hidden humor make it interesting reading matter, and unobtrusive philosophy and features gampovskogo outlook give cause to reflect, and then spent time with a book can not be regarded as held for nothing.

PS By the way, Forrest was not so stupid: among other evidence of his mental faculties comes from the fact that he read “The Idiot” Mr. “Doustoueuski”.

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