Duhless. The Story of an unreal man

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Essay on “Duhless. The Story of an unreal man”

This sample essay on Duhless provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay’s introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

He is a bad soldier who does not dream of becoming a general. So said the great Russian military Suvorov. As well as a poor Sales Manager, who does not dream to become a commercial director. And even worse MP, not dreams of becoming president.

And the programmer does not dream to become Bill Gates. In short, any individual bad, not putting himself maximalist goals and firmed in their own misery. This is true for people of all professions, except for one – the profession of journalism

For some reason, all the journalists (journalists, they, too, journalists, because journalism – is a journalistic genre; I was just the protagonist reviews steal up). Decide for yourself The peak of their career – is to write a book.

Real. Thick. Best-seller. Milestone in the great literature.

But the journalist-writers I read it was not possible for many, and that’s because they belonged to his own literary work with a fair amount of self-irony, and on large-scale canvases not threaten. That would not threaten Minaev. Somehow crookedly it all happened …

For example, I very much doubt about the primacy of the text. The fact is that in those places where Minaev writes about modern corporate mores, I immediately remembered Beigbeder and his “99 francs”, that style, that mood.

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And in those places where Minaev betrayed philosophizing about the meaning of life, the Russian national idea, and other serious matters, from a cloud over my head stuck out in full growth Pelevin and shook his two penultimate volume …


The problem is that as it was not Beigbeder angry at modern corporate culture and everything that is connected with the “world of profit” in his texts regularly appear quite sensible thoughts that push to formulate thoughts and reader. And Minaeva these thoughts have no, or it seems that they were at Beigbeder. Or someone. A postmodern bredyatina Pelevin diluted so beautiful games with words and weave of allusions to which Minaev still write and write.

Now for the plot. He predicted, so to write more about it there is nothing. The fact that the main character will throw the club and that he hurt his girlfriend to death, it was clear from the outset. All.

Now for the main character. Firstly, his age. Somehow it’s hard to understand everything. The text declared at once that this very hero of thirty. The book was written in 2006, the year. The action takes place also in 2006. – in the finals of the protagonist talks about a possible withdrawal from F1 Schumacher. That is our thirty-born hero in 1976. But, nevertheless, in 1989, he “took on the Arbat currency foreigners” … This thirteen-something years? !! I do not believe. And then, the phrase so it builds and uses those words and phrases that half of the book, I was in the belief that the mine – a man of about forty-five, who had not bothered to adapt their way of speaking to the character thirty years. But no, Minaev also thirty. Strange …

Second. Very much he (the protagonist, a mirror of the generation Minaev) some evil. For everyone. On colleagues to bosses on friends, enemies, to radicals on the poets. On writers. Musicians. On promoters, to the police, on the pushers, the. A girl who loves the inside, but never to admit this is not because the evil. He was particularly angry at homosexuals. It Minaev very powerfully illustrates, at least in two stages.

But I somehow doubt that generations of Representatives, which was, incidentally, the first generation of legal “minorities” in our country, can be so homophobic. And besides, is not a homophobe go to “tracksuit” Adidas “collection” Vintage “red as if it is normal for thirty men … And by the way, the evils it all for no apparent reason, at least its author ( cause) does not declare.

And then he drinks a lot. Really. If I drank so much, I would have died in the seventieth page. And that nothing, not even the liver does not hurt. Hangover, poor, suffering, however, but lives.

Now that he drinks a lot, there is little work, though there have traced Minaeva logic. It is very much earns. Only I did not believe that, working the sales manager, not a copywriter, for example, you can earn a lot by working so little, especially if, as is usually the case with business managers, the basic part of the salary of your tradition is interest from sales, your subordinates carried out.

in short, the hero plausible woven of contradictory traits, only those features absolutely implausible or, at least, doubtful. Especially since you can not interpolate the evil freak on an entire generation that, without a twinge of conscience made in the text of the author, and publisher – on the cover of

At first I thought that it’s slogan. “The generation born between 1970-1976, such a promising and this perspective. whose start was so bright and whose life was so ineptly squandered. Yes, rest in peace our dreams of a happy future, where everything had to be different … RIP “, written on the cover, belongs exclusively to the publisher, but after reading a few articles Minaev, I realized that it was his cape eh -. he is really angry young man with still persisting even boyish, to learn to form words into sentences, and uses this ability without looking back no matter what (who)

Here I do not want to argue with either the above thesis nor with the entire text, even worthlessness generation of today’s thirty-year stay on the conscience of the author, moreover, that the circulation of his opus has already exceeded all conceivable for text such as a limit, and the amount of the fee is easily outweighed the voice of conscience.

I presume evaluates the quality only text rather than abstracts. Text is bad. He is weak plot, skewed ideology, not worked out stylistically, the main character is trying not to his Minaev compare it with Pechorin, what with Onegin – implausible to emotion, one word – waste, which pity to spend two nights by the way, among the articles I have read and Minaeva was “Robski spirit” in which he caustically passed on «Casual» and «Day of happiness – tomorrow” Oksana Robski. After reading this article, I have done here is a discovery: if Minaevskom text about “creativity” (so Minaeva – in quotes) Robski replace her name with the surname Minaev, and the names of her works on “Duhless blah-blah-blah”, you get very clear review of this very “Duhless” beautiful game with words and turns of fashion. That’s only good words will not be there. Although Robski, at least not on the swings generations portraits, for which a special thank you to her.

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Duhless. The Story of an unreal man. (2019, Dec 06). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-duhless-the-story-of-an-unreal-man-book-review/

Duhless. The Story of an unreal man
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