Bucks Adventures in The Call of the Wild by John Thornton

From friendly house pet to flesh-eating beast, comes a legend of his time, Buck. In John Thornton’s novel, The Call of the Wild, we get the perspective of a dog named Buck during his adventures as he journeys from tame to wild. Although he has to suffer many crossroads, including men with clubs, wintry environments, and being thrown into the harsh world of killing, Buck, the legendary dog, was called to the wild, adopting to the ways of stealing, killing, and using his wits.

Buck was taken away from everything he ever called a home, only to experience many masters who were cruel or over-civilized and treacherously cold nights sleeping in the snow. During the Gold Rush, many men and women were rushing to the Yukon in order to become rich. To do this they needed strong, intelligent dogs that could endure the cold and help them on their quest. Buck was a victim. Living happily on a large, beautiful estate with a man named Judge Miller, Buck was kidnapped by a gardner’s helper to pay off a debt.

Buck was then taken to San Francisco to be sold, but first, because they needed to subdue him, he was beaten severely by a man in a red sweater. Once sold, Buck was taken to the Yukon to start his new reality. “Buck’s first day on Dyea beach was like a nightmare. Every hour was filled with shock and surprise. He had been suddenly jerked from the heart of civilization and flung into the hearts of things primordial.

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” (p. 8) Surprisingly, Buck adjusted well to his horrible new life, increasing his survival skills and learning the way of the wild.

Buck earned a reputation for his quick wits, becoming advanced in many traits that were key for surviving the wild. When he needed more food, Buck found ways to steal from other dogs in the pack without getting caught by his owner’s club. Eventually, Buck worked his way up from stealing to killing. As he gained practice living and surviving in the wild, there was a familiarity that rose from deep within Buck and he encountered his natural instinct to succeed. Amazed by his strength and talent, men sought to purchase him from his owners so that Buck could lead their dog sled. “Everyone acknowledged Buck a magnificent animal…” (p. 49) Buck’s final strand of civilization broke because in the end Buck was destined to be wild.

Having suffered the severe challenges that he faced helped Buck reach his full potential. In the story, Buck finally found a home with a man names John Thornton and he lived happily while going on countless adventures with his new owner. Buck started paying attention to the wolf he spotted in the woods, but Buck refused to befriend and join the pack because of the love he had for Thornton. Curiously, Buck went out searching for his wild “brothers”. This went on for days until, one day, Buck sensed danger. Running at full speed, Buck sprinted back to the camp of John Thornton, only to find him, along with many dogs, dead. Buck had always been calm toward people, never had he hurt them. But in his rage, Buck found the killers who are a tribe of people, the Yeehats, and slaughtered everyone he faced. As Buck grieved for his beloved owner, he realized the civilized world did not hold him any longer. “And as never before, he was ready to obey. John Thornton was dead. Man and the chains of man no longer bound him.” (p. 62) With this knowledge, the great dog who had lived his entire life restricted to man’s orders, left to be with his brothers that followed the path of the wild.

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Bucks Adventures in The Call of the Wild by John Thornton. (2021, Dec 25). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/bucks-adventures-in-the-call-of-the-wild-by-john-thornton/

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