An Analysis of Synchronicities in the History of Paranormal Dreaming

As far back as we have written records, there have been accounts of the unusual phenomena occurring in connection with dreams. Dreams are the release of unconscious thoughts and desires. I also feel like dreams are a an important unifying factor within humanity. The ancients typically believed that dreams were divinely inspired experiences providing counsel and instruction for their waking lives. The Egyptians practiced dream incubation, i.e., sleeping in temples in a deliberate effort to induce divinely inspired dreams. In fact, There are many types of paranormal experiences that have been reported in dreams.

There is nothing in this field that is a 100% concrete fact. There are always differing viewpoints regarding the psychology of dreams. One of the most widespread theories concerning the cause of dreams concerns, the psyche.

“Dreams are the result of subconscious thoughts and desires. The other theory to dreams are random noises in the neurons of the brain without special meaning. Dreams are the mental activity that takes place during sleep.

“Usually during REM sleep is when dreams occur” (Oxford University). Normally everyone dreams several times a night…some drugs and alcohol may impair the dream process. The inability to recall dreams is not abnormal though. Dreams are c communication of the body, mind, and spirit in a symbolic state.

The human brains are in constant activity when sleeping. Different states of conciseness different brain wave activity. The brain usually has ordinary sequences of For thousands of years dreams were regarded as “visions” or “prophesies.” Dreams seem to be a way for the subconscious mind to sort out and process all the input that is encountered while people are awake.

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Dreams can also improve your emotional well being, reduce stress, improve creativity, and provide a “playground for your mind” while your body recovers and repairs itself.

Contrary to the view that dreams server no function one theorist suggests that, “dreams are the brains way of ‘unlearning’ or removing certain or unneeded memories” (Kasschall, Richard). In other words dreams are a form of mental housecleaning” (www.GoldenEssays.Com)

Therefore, it can be inferred that even the top scientist in the world will never discover the true meaning of dreams, or maybe we as humans already have and just do not realize it.

In Judeo-Christian and Islamic scriptures the divinely inspired dream is a well-known theme. This suggests that there was some familiarity with the idea of telepathic communication, since this is a consistent theme. So-called paranormal phenomena often seemed to have an affinity for dreams. In contrast to the Egyptians and the Jews, Orientals did not believe dreams to the interference of gods, but to the dreamer’s own soul, higher self or self reflection. In ancient Vedic literature (1500-1000 B.C.) dreaming is seen as an intermediate state of the soul between this world and the other. In the sleeping state the soul leaves the body in “breath’s protection” and roams in space, where it sees both this world and the other.

With Democritus and Aristotle there began what people refer to as the supernatural dream. Democritus (460-370 B.C.) is credited with the first physical theory of dream telepathy (Dodds, 1971). His view of telepathy is derived from the thesis that everything, including the soul, is made up of mini particles, called atoms. These atoms constantly re-create themselves.

Images emitted by people in an excited state were especially vivid and likely to reach the dreamer in an intact and undistorted form because of the frequency of emission and the speed of transmission. The importance he assigned to the emotional state of the agent or sender is certainly in keeping with both present-day anecdotal and experimental findings.

“One morning I woke up after the alarm and saw in my mind’s eye a brief color image of a bloody face with bloody the hair. The eyes were closed and it had a crushed cheekbone. I described my vision to my wife who was beside me. I told looked as if it has been hit by a shotgun. What I saw and carried it in my wallet.

Two days later the police contacted me. I was asked if I had a brother named Ron answered yes. “Please come with us to the hospital immediately” came the reply. When I got to the hospital my brother was already dead. In tears, I told the surgeon, police and hospital aides about how I foresaw saw this tragedy two days ago. I was able to describe my brother’s injuries and even the police officer that discovered him. And there are even stranger coincidences connected with this story. Before the murder I had called Ron and told him I was going to get our cemetery plots straightened out as there had been an error in our mother’s Will that named us as beneficiaries of two plots. She had died 5 years previous and had named the wrong cemetery in her Will.

He was put into the plot just one week later. After his death, I went to his office to his belongings. They took me to his office where nothing had been disturbed. The wall clock had stopped at 3:12 – the exact time of the crash. The clock had no battery in it. Ron had been looking at that clock all along, his death time. He just never knew it. A month later I was looking through his belongings for his Will and Last Testament. I ran across a receipt written to my Mother in 1951 from a jeweler in Germany where we lived by the name of Robert Koch. Ron was using it bookmarker. As it turned out, the name of the man that killed Ron was Robert Koch. It was not the same Robert Koch, just same name that Ron Stock had read many times before his death”- Donald S.” (

In the Middle Ages the Icelandic sagas were a source of prophetic dreams (Turville-Petre, 1958; Glendinning, 1974). The old Norsemen seem to have had a practical attitude to such dreams, acknowledging them as an integral and useful part of reality, but they offered little in the way of explanation or theory. Thinkers like Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, and Pascal, among others, addressed the subject of dreams, but made no significant contribution to our understanding of those dreams that challenge our concepts of time and space.

In 1819, Weserman published what is probably the first report of experimentally induced dream telepathy (reviewed later). His ideas did not arouse sufficient interest to spur further efforts by contemporary investigators. There are scattered references to paranormal dreams in many later sources, notably in the writings of the German physician C. G. Carus (Meier, 1972). Not until the foundation of the Society for Psychical Research in 1882 in England, did dream telepathy become an object of genuine scientific inquiry.

Other than telepathy there are four other types of paranormal dreams. Precognition is knowing about an event before it actually occurs. Precognitive dreaming involves seeing images or idea forms in dreams that pertain to events that have not yet unfolded in our own world. The main ingredient is that the information comes about events that at some later time unfold and the dream image is present. Mutual dreaming is also very interesting.

The most fun of the paranormal dreams, a mutual dream is a special case of telepathy in which two people meet in a dream, engage each other in some way and wake in their separate worlds. Wake Up! Lucid Dreaming is being sufficiently aware in your dream that you can guide the content, ride the big one, or coast with the show, and yet not jump into full waking consciousness. It is about stopping to smell the perfume and discovering that they are changing into flowers and you are in a dream. An out of mind an boy experience is taking the dreaming mind for a spin around town and dropping in on a few friends. This is the basis of astral travel. I submit that the OOBE is the entire point for all types of dream adventures.

“Analyses of anecdotal material strongly suggest that the dreaming state is favorable for the occurrence of paranormal phenomena. In the cross- cultural surveys quoted, dreams (precognitive or telepathic) account for 64.6% of the 7119 cases reported by Rhine (1962), 63% of the 1000 cases reported by Sannwald (1959a, b), 37% of the 300 cases analyzed by Green (1960), 52.4% of the 900 experiences of Indian school children reported by Prasad and Stevenson (1968), and 38% of several hundred cases collected by Hanefeld (1968) and considered to he paranormal.” (

Most of the paranormal dreams on record are precognitive (Van de Castle, 1977). Stevenson (1960, 1965) and Barker (1967) published reports describing the precognition of two disasters. Stevenson reported 10 multiple cases of precognition related to the sinking of the Titanic, eight of which involved dreams. From a collection of 1300 dreams from one person, collected over a period of many years, Bender (1966) reported a 10% frequency of precognitive elements. Tenhaeff (1968) reported on precognitive elements in another collection of dreams from a single individual. Priestley (1964) provides a number of interesting anecdotal accounts of precognitive dreams called to his attention following a television broadcast.

Shared dreams or mutual dreams form an interesting subcategory. They are defined by Hart (1965) as “those in which two or more dreamers dream of each other in a common space-time situation, and independently remember more or less of their surroundings, their conversation, and their interactions within the dream” (p. 17).

Numerous examples have been reported by Hart (hart and Hart, 1933; Hart, 1959), in which he and his wife seemed to experience such shared dreams. More recent examples are given in accounts by Faraday (1975) and Donahoe (1974). Dream telepathy in a group setting was observed by Randall (1977). He worked in a group setting where there was an unusual degree of rapport and where telepathic correspondences seemed to occur among the group members.

The initiating focus in a dream occurs from a recent event in our lives, having the qualities of being both forward and telling. The novelty either may be defined in terms of the qualities essential to the external circumstance or it may be defined by the existence of internal struggles of self-deception that limit our ability to cope with a situation that should ordinarily offer no difficulty. Since there tend to be many gaps and in our emotional development, the latter is the more frequent source of dream content. The latter is known as the end or the concluding part of a dream or narrative.

Everybody dreams, not only all humans, but mammals are shown to have REM sleep, which is associated with dreams. With just a few exceptions, all mammals go through a dreaming cycle of rapid eye movement. Since (with pets at least) this correlates with movements of the animals all having some kind of dreaming experience. Students who get good REM sleep retain the information better and for longer periods of time. This is because the brain needs time to process information form a pattern out of it, and place it in long term memory, that is why sleep is very important.

When people are randomly awakened during REM sleep and asked what they had just been dreaming about the reports are usually very dull or even boring, although most people do not remember what they were dreaming about. Theories about REM sleep and why we dreams are as “bountiful” and different as dreams themselves. Some reasons why we have REM sleep are, REM sleep aids the consolidation of long-term memory, cleans the brain of unneeded information, and is necessary to provide the brain with occasional stimulation during sleep. Some scientists also say REM sleep is necessary for brain growth.

ESP, or extrasensory perception, refers to the gathering of information without the use of any the normal five human sense organs. It is the scientific designation for psychic and abnormal related phenomena. Related terms are telepathy, which indicates information originating from the mind of another person.

Paranormal dreams fall within the range of research on extrasensory perception, although the dividing line between them and normal dreams is often difficult to draw. Various distortions or displacements of details frequently occur. Also, some go unnoticed by an outside researcher or even by the dreamer.

In this new age where the survival of humanity is constantly on the line, we are faced with the responsibility of realizing the basic fact that we are all members of a single species. The underlying meaning of this will involve the radical transformation of the self into one capable of working toward repairing and maintaining the basic unity of the species and overcoming the many ways in which we have succeeded in fragmenting that unity. Dreams bring us together because everybody including animals has them whether they prefer to or not, these dreams or the “release” of the psyche are awed upon by faith or by and amazing amount of effort being transformed into ignoring the fact that dreams are miraculous.

A minds-eye of dreaming is presented in its bearing on the issue of survival. Dreaming consciousness is similar to waking consciousness although there are many differences too. Chief among the differences is the more focused concern while dreaming with the recognition and representation of unintentionally developing disconnections between ourselves and others. Multiple peoples viewpoints agree with this cognitive representation of dreams.

Dreaming may be related fundamentally to species-connectedness is good-natured, too much of what we have learned about the occurrence of paranormal dreams is that they have been encountered in the sketchy and clinical literature. “Bohm’s theory of the implicate order and Jung’s ideas about synchronicity are discussed in their relevance to both ordinary and paranormal dreams and the connection of both to survival…” (

There may be a way of looking at dreaming consciousness itself as a synchronistic event. Put differently, is there an element of synchronicity in dreaming, aside from the manifestation of psi effects and telepathy? Is the way that recent, external triggering events, often of a seemingly incidental nature, link up in a meaningful way with long forgotten memories at a particular moment a synchronistic event? Does the dreamer’s way of bringing together outer reality in the form of the day residue and inner reality in the form of a subjective range of feelings have something in common with synchronicity, whether or not psi events come into play?

The inner and outer events arise out of seemingly independent antecedent causes, but the coming together is both timely and meaningful. The external event was an event that happened to be there when an independent inner process had developed in the dreamer to the point where it was ready to become manifest. The full grasp of the expressive power of the image and the meaning it conveys has to await its translation into the spirit of waking life, namely, language.

Might there be an emotional gradient in terms of intensity that determines the synchronistic valence of a particular external event? Might an outer event carrying a high valence make a suitable triggering mechanism for the dream, without regard to spatial and temporal constraints? Below a certain level of intensity we enter into the pattern of these external events through our ordinary dreams. Above this threshold, the patterning includes events spatially and temporally distant from us, and a paranormal dream occurs. Therefore, one would assume that there is an underlying synchronicity within all paranormal dreams.

There is a huge dividend in-between what we know and what there is to learn about the vast universe of dreams or the, “Aqua-Field”. According to Carl Jung, “Synchronicities are manifestations, in mind and matter, of the unknown ground that underlies them both…. The parallelism between the objective and the subjective aspects of the universe do not so much arise through causal connections, or linear patterns in time, but out of underlying dynamics that arc common to both.” (Flying Saucers)

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An Analysis of Synchronicities in the History of Paranormal Dreaming. (2023, Mar 16). Retrieved from

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