A Speech for the Persuasion of the Audience to Embrace Conservation of Water Resources

Function of the Speech

The purpose of the speech is to persuade the audience to support the clean water centuries Act of 2011. The speech will focus mainly on the pros and cons of the bill. Impacts of the passing of the bill will also be featured on this speech



In the year 2011, an amendment to the clean water estuaries act of 2010 was made to the federal water pollution control act that was seeking to restore authority to the National estuary program.

This was to be done by revising the function of conferences of management in terms of expansion of estuaries having to govern an understandable plan regarding the conservation of water sources (Cabral, 2010). This bill was referred to as the Clean Water Estuaries Act of 2011. Today, I will talk about the 2011 Clean Estuaries Act that will have very positive impacts on the environment and health of the earthly habitats if implemented properly.


Water as a natural resource is essential to the survival of every habitat of the earth.

This is why we should keep in mind the importance of protecting and conserving it while considering their existence and health of the ecosystems (Cabral, 2010). All habitats of the earth depend on water to survive whether in agriculture, population or aqua life.

Due to this fact, many microorganisms grow easily in water, causing contamination. It is important to ensure that estuaries especially those that are near us are well protected since they are our most probable sources of water (Villegas, 2010).

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There are several organizations that work towards the goal of protecting these resources which are, the Army corps of engineers (USACE), NOAA and the United states Geological survey (USGS), all working in conjunction with the EPA.

Benefits of the Bill

The reason why I support the bill is that, this bill will help sustain commercial interests and aqua life. By this, the supply of food and clean drinking water will remain adequate and accessible to all. This bill will help in preserving our natural resources, commercial interests and recreational site while staying healthy, since water related diseases will reduce significantly. Once implemented, the bill will ensure future cases of deaths would have to be from other causes (Jose, 2012). Educated population will no longer be ignorant of their responsibility of keeping a healthy environment hence a healthy population. In conclusion this bill is appropriate for the protection and conservation of our natural water resources as it feature both sides in terms of ability of implementation, without costing too much of the tax payer money.

Ways to Protect and Conserve Water Sources

There are several ways in which we can protect and conserve our water sources (Villegas, 2010). One of these ways is by educating people about the importance of proper dumping habits and waste disposal to prevent infection of water. Most viral infections are caused by exposure to unhygienic microorganisms. The presence of some of these microorganisms in water can also cause diseases infecting skin, and other internal parts of the body. Another way of preventing diseases caused by water contamination is keeping sewer products away from water sources.

Water Pollution And its Sources

The major sources of pollution include industrial activities such as dumping of industrial chemicals in the estuaries, and human and animal activities. Another form of water contamination is associated with the petroleum industry. It is evident that there are always implications involving petroleum product storage and fuel quality with regard to water safety. The EIMC (The committee of energy institute’s microbiology) has taken it upon themselves in promoting proper practice in the oil industry and comprehending the impacts of careless malpractice in the field.

Unclean Water as a Conduit to Diseases

Drinking water has been a problem since it is a major factor that causes diseases especially in poverty stricken areas, where clean drinking water is inaccessible. It is therefore important to improve ways in which safe drinking water can become accessible to each an every person. Statistics show that more than 2.5 billion people have no access to clean and safe drinking water and sanitation, where at least one and a half million children die every year from water related diseases.

The major killer diseases caused by unsafe water are diarrhea and cholera. Human feces and some o the animals are the most common contributors in water contamination. Once ingested, this water causes the major microbial risks in terms of human health and aqua habitats. Other diseases caused by the pathogens found in water are polio, typhoid, shigellosis, and hepatitis among others. The disadvantage of frequently monitoring the presence of these infectious pathogens is that they are costly and take a lot of time.

Impacts of Neglect of Water Resources

Continued pollution of water bodies are likely to cause major problems especially with regard to aqua life, and commercial existence of businesses that depend on them. Most probable impacts include drying up due to chemicals dumped in them especially with the current times if global warming. Considering that the lakes in the United States constitute a fifth of the fresh water supply of the world, the great lakes are a major and highly valuable water resources. The provide supply of water to more that thirty five million Americans with drinking water, transportation and food, while on the other hand they provide recreation.

Despite this, the great lakes face several major environmental threats that could see all these resources destroyed by toxic chemicals and, erosion and invasive species. Wetlands, which are complex and some of the United States’ most important resources, serve several ecological functions such as water quality improvement, floods control, shoreline stabilization. Some of the major commercial activities served by these ecological resources are oil and gas drilling. They also help in hazard management and recreational sites.

Programs to Be Implemented

Agencies should implement programs that will be meant for restoring the lakes and other important estuaries. They should ensure a well coordinated program that will monitor and address major issues found as the problems that face these great resources. The impacts of this kind of coordination would be development in terms of knowledge of the people and infrastructure to curb water pollution. The federal agency should establish a policy that would ensure that construction of industrial plants meet the requirements that are friendly to the environmental well being of the water sources. They should also establish a law that enforces such policies in order effectively protects the lakes (Malik, 2012).

Another way of helping improve the great lakes includes enacting legislation to back competition and innovation in water related education and research. They should also fund such project without hesitation while directing development of the budget (Malik, 2012). Water for drinking should also be tested for pathogens and passed for standards required to reduce cases of illness caused by ingestion of unsafe clean water (Lesne, 2008). The state should have teams investigating health risks associated with drinking water that include microbial contaminants, arsenic, and other kinds of contaminations involved in water infection.

Negative Impacts of the Bill

‘Though this kind of planning will bring positive impacts to the environment and offer solution to the problem facing people without clean drinking water, there are challenges to be expected (Lesne, 2008). These include lack of sufficient funds for the initial implementation of the program. The advantage of this program is that there are no more heavy costs after implementation, since maintenance cost are not very low. The disadvantage of the program and this method is that a signiticant amount of land has to be used in the process, while farm land and property are destroyed (Jose, 2012).

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A Speech for the Persuasion of the Audience to Embrace Conservation of Water Resources. (2023, May 16). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-speech-for-the-persuasion-of-the-audience-to-embrace-conservation-of-water-resources/

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