19FTB1150 Principal of Management

Topics: Economics


center290395Name: Nurul Hidayah Binti Ali

Student ID: 19FTB1150

Lecturer’s Name: Hajah Emily Noorsuryati binti Metusin

Group Code: DENT05

Question Number: 1

Submission Date: 4th September 2019

Programme: Level 5 Diploma in

Business Studies (Entrepreneurship)

Module Title: Principal of Management

Assessment Title: Individual Report

00Name: Nurul Hidayah Binti Ali

Student ID: 19FTB1150

Lecturer’s Name: Hajah Emily Noorsuryati binti Metusin

Group Code: DENT05

Question Number: 1

Submission Date: 4th September 2019

Programme: Level 5 Diploma in

Business Studies (Entrepreneurship)

Module Title: Principal of Management

Assessment Title: Individual Report

Table of Contents

TOC o “1-3” h z u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc18275398 h 3Types of Organizational Culture PAGEREF _Toc18275399 h 4Organization Culture in Brunei Darussalam PAGEREF _Toc18275400 h 5Conclusion and Recommendation PAGEREF _Toc18275401 h 11References PAGEREF _Toc18275402 h 12

IntroductionOrganizational culture was knowledgeable as the values, primary theories, expectations and ways of cooperating that subsidize to the exclusive social and intellectual surroundings of an organization that directs by what method people perform in organizations.

These collective values acquire a substantial inspiration to the people inside organization and precept how they neatly dressed, the way they talk and implement their jobs.

All organization progresses and sustains an uncommon culture, which make available rules and barrier for the performance of the representative of the organization.

Levels of Management

Therefore, there are three types of Level Management, first the Top-Level Management is in charge for the long-term management of an organization. Top Level Management begin functioning procedures and lead the organization’s interface over its surroundings.

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Second Level Management’s responsibilities is to lead activities that work on their organization’s procedures and helpful structure requirement on managers with the quantity of the leader. Meanwhile, the Lower Level Management where individuals are in charge for the work of others is categorized as ‘first line management’ or ‘first level management’.

Types of Organizational Culture

In addition, there are 4 different types of organizational culture. The first one is The Adhocracy Culture which means the organization of workers have a strong commitment in developed new norm which are more self-motivated and tactical with a concentration in valor, modernization and doing things first. In fact, adhocracy culture is more into maintaining great continuous development and constantly finding creative solutions.

The second one is the market culture where the essential standards are created on achievement, competition, getting the job done and beating all competitors. And on that, the business plans, steps and actions are allied towards market demands.

The third one is the hierarchy culture where the workplace surroundings are more into formal types for example it is originally structured and controlled with a focus on efficiency, stability and doing things right. The organization are strictly into High discipline of etiquettes, rules, procedures and strategies to secure instruct, productivity nor reliability.

Finally, the clan culture where the workers or staff share a strong bone like one big family with the same interest and same commitment level and maintain a normal working sensation. This clan culture can shape and motivate the organization where it giving more impact on the organization.

Organization Culture in Brunei Darussalam

The chosen case study for the organizational culture is Oudh Al Aswad. It is one and only of Oudh Perfume Company in Brunei Darussalam. Oudh Al Aswad was located in G.07B, Ground Floor, Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex, Bandar Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Darussalam. Oudh Al Aswad was established in Year 2013. Oudh Al Aswad was selling Brunei Agarwood (Oudh) chips and Pure Oudh oil back then where it has been processed from their own distillery itself in Negara Brunei Darussalam.

As has been conveyed by the Personal Assistant, Azura AR, the owner of Oudh Al Aswad is Haji Muhammad Raduan bin Haji Lamudin. In calculation of 13 years, he has learnt and experienced in significant the Oudh Industry, as well as understand how to differentiate the agarwood. The owner also has been given the title of the Professional Level of Perfumer in 2013.

The Agarwood the above-mentioned by the Personal Assistant, it was collected from four districts in Brunei Darussalam which are Brunei-Muara, Tutong, Kuala Belait and Temburong. The Agarwood itself can be created into three kinds of perfume which are Oil Concentrated, EAU De Parfum and EAU De Toilette.

Oudh Al Aswad principally serves for customer markets and brings goods through their own scent of perfume. As the advantages for the customer are giving Free gift of an Oudh Perfume to the buyers who buy with a maximum payment and Free Membership Card without paying any registration.

As for their vision, they want to be the highest standard company that offers scent of Oudh and different kind of features which creates the unique character of every individual who loves to wear the greatest scents of Oudh.

Whereas for their mission, Oudh Al Aswad wants to achieve the goals to be the First Perfumer that can blend the most aromatic scents, where every consumer that use Oudh oil and perfume may smell and feel the aromatic of Oudh. In addition, the mission new target to lead and enter the International Perfumery Industry where Brunei Local Brand can achieve high target and satisfy the customer’s demand.

As can be seen through in Oudh Al Aswad company it is agreeable that the organizational culture contributes towards shaping the behavior and motivating the employees of an organization by using both Clan culture and the Adhocracy culture in the company.

The organizational culture for Oudh Al Aswad in using Clan culture means that the Higher management treating the employees fair that it led interaction to the entire organization as trust is constructed over positive relationships in their employees. Therefore, it’s necessary for the organization to keep up the connection with staff in such manners that increase their loyalty with the organization.

For the Adhocracy that Oudh Al Aswad use also means that their higher management treating and teaching the employees have strong responsibility in creates new standards and maintaining good improvement towards their goals and always finding new solution in order to be a successful company.

In order to achieve their vision and mission, the company makes use of their chosen organizational culture that may contribute to the success of the company. As can be seen in the company, they motivate their employees through incentives, salary, activities and trainings that are provided for the staff.

The example of the incentives given to the staff is such as choosing and give the perfumes that employees wants, thanking employees, Praising Employees, sent abroad for a course, Discretionary bonus plan and Project Bonus.

As for the incentives in giving a free perfume to the employees is as a reward and more likely for them to boost their self-confidence and excellent hygiene. however, for the incentives of thanking employees to increase the efforts of the workers towards a better way, therefore they should be praised in doing good and hard work.

Furthermore, another incentive of sending employees abroad for a course is a great opportunity for them to learn more about International activities for example IMKK (Intensif, Magnet, Kekayaan and Kejayaan) Courses or Natural Perfume Masterclass, Perfume Principles (Sydney).

Thus, it makes the employees more knowledgeable in the field of perfume Industry. Not only will they appreciate the ability to grow and learn, but they will have a new knowledge and desire for the subject which they can share with their co-workers or one more different level from their position. It will also keep the business up to date, making everyone alert of the up-to-date news, plans and creative ideas in the business, ensuring to stay current and applicable to the audience.

Hence, the incentives of rewarding a project bonus are to boost the worker’s self-confidence, inspiration, and productivity. Because, after the employee’s tie extras to achievement, it can inspire employees to achieve their goals for the company.

While based on the salary, they were given a specific salary to satisfy their needs, for example extra payment for those who are taking over time. A commission given if the employees achieve a specific target within a month in order to make them more innovative and strong work spirit. As for that, it also improves the revenue of the business because it means that employees are only paid when money is coming in from a sale.

Another way of motivating the employees is by raising their salary as by following how they work. This way is to boost up their morale at work, gain employee fulfilment, inspire hard work as well as to increase on a daily activity because it present that the employers appraise for their helps to the company.

Moreover, for the activities arranged for the employees are more likely into charity, a small gathering, Lunch treats, teaching the employees on how to make perfumes and know the different smell of Oudh nor the luxury perfume. There are numerous convincing activities that cultivating employee obligation can suggestively improve company presentation across a number of key areas, such as effectiveness, profitability, revolution, customer satisfaction, health and safety, absence and sickness, acquisition and wellbeing.

For example, the charity event is giving to those who are in need and cannot afford. While charity event will be needing a good teamwork in order to make the event successful. Therefore, a charity event is a great prospect for employees to develop communication, guidance and project planning skills as well as improving confidence overall. Volunteering assignments can also provide the chance to grow new skills and the opportunity to lead dissimilar teams.

Thus, Employer’s Lunch treats is by Eating together that may help coworkers building camaraderie and foster deeper work relationships. It is good for the employees and the higher management level to make the bonds closer where it shows a personal investment and that need to make sure that they are happy and they have everything they need in remain a good responsibility.

Moreover, in the activities of teaching the employees in making perfumes and teach them to recognize smells of Oudh were actually to make themselves a professional and can answer questions that was asked by the customers who wants to know the different kinds of scents that have been chosen directly. For example, a perfumer must know how to smell the ingredients that they use and what kind of ingredients was added in order to keep away from misuse of material.

Therefore, a good example that has been shown or can be seen by people is that the Higher management which is the owner himself always come to the shop just to mingle with the workers for example asking the employees how’s the sales, are they doing good or not, teaching them new ideas and finding new solutions together for gaining the sales target which bring a lot of positives energy to the employees.

However, there are also disadvantages of the culture’s shaping and how the Higher management’s motivation sometimes may give a bad impact. For example, the commission given can be a problem because if they are Salespeople who are highly satisfied with the opportunities given, they might not want to move into offered managerial positions because it could serve as a pay cut and they are also being dishonest to work.

In fact, for Overtime Payments, it may affect to regular long working hours, which can affect employees’ work, home lives and health. Besides, the bad consequence can happen if the workers are focusing more on the salary and not to pay attention in working hard. Moreover, inefficiency if employee’s pace of work, through poor supervision, is slack and it becomes compulsory to compensate by providing overtime.

Conclusion and RecommendationOrganizational culture is progressively implied as an important part in the formation of efficient workplaces. A company’s main standards, manners, artifacts, sensibility and faith all include the culture and support to generate a direction, persistence and responsibility. Not only in business there is culture but it generally has various subcultures. Thoughtful culture at both levels is relevant because one workspace plan will not automatically support a variety of work cultures. The organization culture is very motivating to the employees because it makes the Culture understand within each other and brings a lot of Good Images to the Organization. There’s no exact organizational culture in a sculpture’s organization and entire cultures encourage some methods of performance and inhabit others.


Kruger, J. (2016, November 14). The Pros and Cons of Sales Commissions. Retrieved from

(2019, April 2). How to Treat your Employees for Better Productivity? Retrieved from

(n.d.). Why Employers Should Care about their Employees Financial Wellness. Retrieved from

(n.d.). What is Organizational Culture?: Complete Definition and Characteristics. Retrieved from

Kamaluddin, N., Hassan, Z., Wahab, R. A., & Hussein, R. M. (2014). Principles of management – Third Edition. Shah Alam: Oxford Fajar.

Azura AR (Personal Assistant) Interview by Nurul Hidayah for the Information of the company of Oudh Al Aswad, 1st August 2019, 2.p.m.

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