World Literature Othello Quiz Act 3 Scene 3-4

How does Desdemona’s conversation with the clown affect the audience?
It adds Comic Relief.
Find the irony in Desdemona’s opening comment about Othello?
She says that Othello never gets jealous, and when he comes up he’s is burning with jealousy.
How would you characterize the first part of the dialogue between Othello and Desdemona? What is going on in their relationship?
Shaky, they are not insigne anymore, and Othello is really Jealous; and there relationship is slowly going deteriorating.

What does Othello say about the background of the handkerchief?
It’s from his grandmother, and it has magical powers of love and who ever has it stays married and if u lose it your marriage is going down.
What is Desdemona’s big disadvantage in their conversation (With Othello)?
She has no idea what Iago has been telling Othello.
Why does she (Desdemona) lie about losing the handkerchief?
She doesn’t want to make him (Othello) angrier and she thinks she can find.

She heard about what it means if she loses it CURTIANS!

Explain Emilia’s comments about the relationships between men and women. What has led her to this view? Is she overly cynical?
Men are tools, and they take what they want and leave. She’s married to Iago; She’s about right, not overly cynical.
Who is Bianca? How does she contrast with Emilia and Desdemona?
Cassio’s lady friend / interest; She Contrast Emilia’s Cynicalness and Desdemona’s Innocence.
Section 1: Desdemona, Emilia, and Cassio (up to the exit of Cassio); Describe the Atmosphere?
Section 1: Desdemona, Emilia, and Cassio (up to the exit of Cassio); What does Desdemona decide to do?
She says she’ll convince Othello to give Cassio his job back.
Section 1: Desdemona, Emilia, and Cassio (up to the exit of Cassio); Why does Cassio Hurriedly exit?
Othello’s coming and he’s embarrassed to be seen by him after he got fired.
Section 2: Iago, Othello, and Desdemona (up to the exit of Desdemona with Emilia); How odes Iago make use of Cassio’s quick exit?
He (Iago) makes it seem that Cassio and Desdemona were talking and he (Cassio) ran off as soon as he (Cassio) saw Othello.
Section 2: Iago, Othello, and Desdemona (up to the exit of Desdemona with Emilia); What seems to be on Desdemona’s mind?
Section 2: Iago, Othello, and Desdemona (up to the exit of Desdemona with Emilia); What seems to preoccupy Othello?
I’ll do anything for you (Desdemona), He’s is just so love struck.
Section 3: Iago and Othello (up to the exit of Iago); What strategies does Iago use to build suspicion in Othello?
He builds Suspension, and makes Othello beg him, and hints him (Othello) things.
Section 3: Iago and Othello (up to the exit of Iago); What does Iago mean by the phrase “green-eyed monster?”
Section 4: Othello and Desdemona (up to their exit); What happens to Desdemona’s handkerchief?
She (Desdemona) drops it and Emilia picks it up and then Iago snatched / took it from Emilia.
Section 5: Emilia and Iago (up to the exit of Emilia); Why does Emilia take the handkerchief?
To give it to Iago, because Iago wants it badly.
Section 5: Emilia and Iago (up to the exit of Emilia); What do we learn of its (the Handkerchief) importance?
It’s the first present that Othello gave to Desdemona.
Section 6: Othello and Iago; What does Iago plan to do with the Handkerchief?
To plant it in Cassio’s house.
Section 6: Othello and Iago; Why does Othello call Iago a villain?
If he’s (Iago) is lying about Desdemona cheating on him (Othello).
Section 6: Othello and Iago; By the end of the scene, what is Othello’s state of mind?
Full on raging Jealousy.

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World Literature Othello Quiz Act 3 Scene 3-4
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