The Use of Logic in Awakening by Joshua Lang and Imagining the Post-Antibiotics Future by Maryn McKenna

In modern day medicine, logic is the number one factor that influences all outcomes of a situation. Logic is found in any situation in order to progress or move forward. While there are many ways of seeking logic, some are far more credible than others. Joshua Lang attempts appeal by telling the stories of patients in his essay “Awakening“. Maryn McKenna uses tactics of credibility by calling various outside sources to explain her essay “Imagining the Post- Antibiotics Future” . Both Lang and McKenna used logic in their essays; however, McKenna’s essay was far more credible due to her substantial amount of solid external and logical supporting evidences, rather than just storytelling.

To begin, all of Lang’s evidence in his essay discusses the happenings of other people. He just told stories of what and how things happened. Lang gives no specific details regarding his claims Lang tells of the occurrence, and gives no back up source for his information.

Lang simply describes the situation, “her parents took her to physicians and therapists, No one could determine the cause of her distress.

When she was in eighth grade her parents pulled her from school for rehabilitation”. It’s really difficult to find logic in something that hasn’t really been proven, rather than simply stated. He simply gives statements as facts, one after another no regard for a source, and doesn’t provide specific names, Without proper explanation, there is no solid reasoning for Lang‘s claims. Lang attempts to paint a picture of logic behind his thoughts, but fails to do so with any sound details.

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In comparison to Lang‘s evidences, McKenna has a much more broad array of evidences. McKenna calls upon specific occurrences, tells the story, and provides reader names to link the stories with “stories I heard from my father of how Joe’s death shattered his family”.

In addition to her recollection of stories, Mckenna quotes Nobel Peace Prize recipient of 1945, Alexander Fleming: “it’s not difficult to make microbes resistant to penicillin in the laboratory by exposing them to concentrations not sufficient enough to kill themm” (McKenna 167). This evidence provides exact direction with a very understandable point, from one of the most reliable sources on this topic. Logic is used by everyone, and the more it’s used ideally the better understanding that is obtained, that said, it was crucial for McKenna to include this a quote from Alexander Fleming in her essay because of the prestige he carries.

Fleming is a known and proven expert Both essays provide ample evidence to prove a point. Joshua Lang provides several accountants that involve his topic and tries to persuade a reader to think logically through them McKenna uses evidences, facts, and credible sources to prove her points in the most logic of ways, Simply put, evidence provides logic, but stories do not. McKenna’s essay is substantially more credible because of her use of more than just specific accounts, but rather a collection of facts from reliable resources Comparing the two essays side to side, the weakness of Lang’s essay to McKenna’s; logic is credible.

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The Use of Logic in Awakening by Joshua Lang and Imagining the Post-Antibiotics Future by Maryn McKenna. (2023, May 15). Retrieved from

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