The Trial Immigration Quiz

On the sample, I answered nine out of ten correctly. I missed how many House of Representative members there are, made an educated guess on one question, and flat out had no clue on another that I got right, so I should have only answered seven out of ten correctly. I have seen scenarios on television with a popular late-night host, where random people are approached and asked similar questions about America, and they all seem to fail miserably. With that in mind, I expected I’d do much worse.

A national survey by The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation found that “Only one in three Americans (36 percent) can actually pass a multiple-choice test consisting of items taken from the U.S. Citizenship Test, which has a passing score of 60…” State requirements are low for civic education and the National Assessment of Educational Progress reports “only 18% of 8th graders were ‘proficient’ or better in U.S. history, 23% in civics and government.

I think it’s shameful that the people that come from other countries know more about the United States than her natural citizens. The motivation immigrants have to gain citizenship is usually escaping disparity or oppression, and it seems our still young country has forgotten how good we truly have it. We see marches, protests and engagement, but we are lacking the basic fundamental knowledge of why our government was established and how it works. If we, as a country, can demand these requirements from people trying to make a better life for themselves in America, then we should demand it of the naturally born, lived here their whole life, citizens.

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I took an Iraqi interpreter with me on patrols through Baghdad and at some point, we became friends that would talk for hours. His favorite subject was the United States, and we would compare living in our perspective countries. I was in a place where indoor plumbing was exclusive to the super-rich and electricity was sporadic at best. I can remember swearing to myself to never forget what it could be like or to stop being grateful for the life I can lead, but I have. I am disappointed in myself over these test results from the citizenship quiz. I can be better.


  1. Riccards, P. (2018, September 7). Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation: National Survey Finds Just 1 in 3 Americans Would Pass Citizenship Test.
  2. Retrieved February 27, 2020, from
  3. Ward, D. (2019, August 16). Why Don’t They Teach Civics Anymore? Retrieved February 27, 2020, from

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