“The Parable Of The Sower”

Jesus illustrated the agricultural beliefs of that time in order to relay the message that one does not know which seed will grow or which day of labor will produce the yield you desire, so you must labor broadly. The significance of this in relation to my life is that: Although I am unaware of where or when the things, I try to instill in the children I come into contact with as a school-based para-professional will bear fruit, I always try to remain confident that the harvest of one child’s mind will make up for every effort I make.

Some children for whom I labor will not respond, but the knowledge of one child who takes my words to heart will multiply many times over. In the end, this is what makes it all worthwhile. The Lord’s own students could not comprehend his reasoning as to why he would speak to the multitudes in parables.

Therefore, as any good teacher would: he patiently delineated that the parables were used as a means to keep the meaning unknown to those who deserved judgment.

The disciples, by contrast, would be blessed with understanding The take-away from this is that as I seek understanding I must seek to be a follower in the truest sense, learning from the students I seek to teach and help. The narrative of the sower parable is based on the key tenets: that few will actually comprehend the message about the kingdom due to the depth of the message, only able to hear but missing the message mark.

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allowing sin to enter their life. On first perusal, there are the few who seem happy to receive the message within a well-taught lesson, but when it brings them social hardship, they will abandon the teachings.

This is relatable in that there have been and will be students and clients who listen to my message, but due to otherworldly competing interests that took or will take priority for them and my words may not bear fruit because they choose not to follow the message. The Trinity Claim to the throne This particular section of the assigned reading work was no basic justification of Jesus as equal and one of the Godhead Trinity rather it is directly presented in implicit context. It was a direct response to the challenge of the Pharisees over two major biblical plot points: First, Jesus has violated their traditions yet once again this time he their view of the Sabbath. Secondly, in doing so, Jesus’ claim to equality with God was cemented. Rather than back off from this verbal joust, the next few verses make even more specific claims about His equality with God the Father. Jesus introduces this section by repeating the word Amen twice.

This word is often translated as truth or truly. By utilizing his wording in this way to complete his sentence was, as if he was throwing down a gauntlet and daring them to test the truth of the statement. This word is documented in various other languages, and many people still end prayers with the word amen. Using such a phrase at the beginning of a statement, however, implied that what was being said was first-hand information. This was used for original teachings, or eyewitness accounts John 15:1-8: The keystone for this verse is that it again helps to establish the lord as our caretaker and that he is always with us. It is God who tends to the flourishing of the branches, and likewise will ‘remove[s] every branch  that does not bear any fruit. Our heavenly Father is the vine and we are the branches so he is thus our life force. The most obvious word that points this out to me is the word “Abide”.

I counted about 8 or 9 times in this chapter alone. To abide means dwell….so my personal take is that he dwells within us and thru his will all is possible and without him, no spiritual fruit will be borne. The Carnal nature of the Christian The representation of the Christian as a Carnal being is indicative of man as carnal and having needs as equated to certain needs within the physical level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs “I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly, mere babies in the lord. I gave you for sustenance: milk, not compacted food, for you were not equipped for it. Indeed, you are still not ready, you are still worldly”. Christians are still human and therefore carnal form birth made up of many needs and mental systems that within each other as one being a being that although evolved and spiritual is still human.

This was true of our Lord when he was in human form and it was being in this imperfect state, that he was able to show mankind the wonders of the Gospel ministry. Ephesians,4:11-16 Is the church alive? Say Amen (Truly)! “It was He who gave to us apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors, in preparation of his people for work and service, in order that the body of Christ may be assembled up.” Metaphoric language is used and gives me a more visual picture. It also allows in my opinion a clearer comprehension of the inner workings of the church. The apostle Paul compares the church, first, to a body of flesh and bones to show that this is the support that makes ministry conceivable and mobile.

There is also the comparison of the church to a large building that is able to continue evolving through the years to be the ideal habitat for the Lifeforce of the Holy Ghost. In order to truly understand this verse, you have to understand the title of each and what that title entailed within the church. An apostle is like the authoritative voice that declares truth concerning Jesus Christ; but the prophet’s job is to interpret that then explain that same truth so that it has now become compelling to hear, think of the prophets as Jesus’s hype men. The meaning of “prophet’ details this. It’s Greek root is literally ‘to cause to shine,’ and then after linking to the prefix ‘pro’ which explained means before or prior to.’ So, a prophet is one who stands before the masses and causes the word of the apostles to gleam.

Now the pastors/teachers are the shepherds of the proverbial flock so to speak and since I am currently a T.A working within the school structure for the betterment of the students I understand the various roles given to each of the above in correlation to what he deemed a natural talent for the job. For the reading of Philippian’s 2:20-22, I don’t have much by way of commentary dialog other than the premise that the friendship was valued because of the lonely road of discipleship and the fact that kindred spirit on the journey was a valuable thing “For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare.”  In II Timothy, the apostle Paul is near death and imprisoned yet still offers a personal challenge to Timothy to A. accept his calling as God’s vessel and also to deal with corrupt teaches and keep following Jesus no matter the sacrifice and risk. He mentions two deserters who became ashamed of being known to consort with him (now perceived as a criminal) and ask timothy to reject the shame and to commit to sacrificing in the pursuit of a higher goal. Like Timothy, I will continue to faithfulness despite the roadblocks.

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“The Parable Of The Sower”. (2021, Dec 10). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/the-parable-of-the-sower/

“The Parable Of The Sower”
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