The Origins of Human FlightThe Wright Brothers

Topics: Wright Brothers

The Bers were interested in flying since their childhood. Bishop Wright, their father, gave them a toy helicopter when they were young and ever since they have been interested in aviation. The Wright Brothers are famous for their invention of the airplane, or the flying machine as it was called then. The first flight of the plane occurred on December 17, 1903. This was just the turn of the century, yet the Wright Brothers invented something that would last forever. This was in fact the case.

This flight would spark a race of technology that has taken us from into the air to flying into space. This also launched the aviation and the space age. The airplane is a major role in the world. The plane made traveling overseas easier and quicker. The plane was a useful tool in both of the World Wars. The airplane was a major part of the weapon and attacking strategy for all the countries with this technology.

They say the Wright Brothers borrowed ideas of others in order to reach their goal. It doesn’t matter because they accomplished their desire to fly.

Today aircraft are truly monsters compared to the Wright Flyer. The invention of the plane changed the world as we know it. It erased miles and brought people closer together, and uniting and diversifying the world as we know it. It went from novel toy for the daring to a tool of destruction. It brings life saving food, medical supplies, and clothing to those in need.

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It can carry us to any point on the globe and bring us back. The Wright Brothers had a dream and the made it happen. No matter how many times they were told no it wouldn’t work, they kept going and climbing to be the best and to fly. The research on the Wright Brothers was conducted mostly at Joyner Library. Also some of the information was obtained from the Internet. Joyner Library had most all the information on the Wright Brothers there is. Newspaper from the 1903 on microfilm were read to see the first hand accounts from that time. Books were read to get the second hand accounts. The picture from the Internet were very important on creating the exhibit. The exhibit was created by showing the things that evolved and the changes that occurred by the invention of the plane.

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The Origins of Human FlightThe Wright Brothers. (2021, Dec 21). Retrieved from

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