The Factors Affecting Individual Perception

The sociological concept and interrelation of factors in any environment present different viewpoints for everyone. Individuals are directly affected by their perception of the environment and the elements at their disposal. However, different types differentiate individuals on the fact that they perceive an event different from another. Therefore, structures are imminent to develop in every environment. These structures are a representation of the categories that everyone’s judgment is considered to exist.

In distinguishing these two structures, at the end of the lesson, it will be clear on the groups that both structures deal with and their influence.

Similarly, the units used, that is small or social groups will be distinguished, and their relation to other spheres of life identified. The lesson covers the impact of these two structures in poverty rates, health disparity, and distribution of life, the social classes, and the gender of individuals.

According to Fuller (2006), culture, on a large part has influenced social relations among individuals with a greater population being denied the opportunity to relate with others freely.

Through the knowledge on sociological structures, it has become clear on the factors that affect variation among different individuals. With the factors such as, economic position, influence of the political forces, discrimination levels, and poor cultural build-up, the rate of variation in many forms is on the rise.

Personally, the experience from the sociology class has helped me view the differences in culture as a positive factor rather than a factor to break the social ties. Through appreciating other cultures, the world is moving towards a multi-cultural environment that is considerate of other cultures and can integrate the new methods to form one large community.

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The integration is the solution to the strife, hatred, and the escalating rates in crime.

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