Natural Disasters and How We Can Help

Topics: Disasters

Natural disasters are a pan of our lives and there is no way that we can avoid them. As we speak, hurricane sandy will be terrorizing the coasts of America causing millions in damages and causing heartbreak for those affected. Natural disasters affect our daily lives in several ways. They effectively stop the economy of the local area. They cause tons of damage which will cost the economy millions of dollars. They can hurt or kill the workforce of the area.

Money will be spent on relief by charities for the improvement of the area. There are many things that natural disasters can affect and there are numerous types of natural disasters. Some of the most treacherous and expensive natural disasters is flooding. This is because flooding can affect a very large area, and it can be caused by three other natural disasters being: Hurricanes, and Tsunamis, and body of water flooding. The water of these floods will spread debris and will deteriorate the environment with its overwhelming force.

These floods can devastate and economy by destroying the infrastructure, destroying businesses, and killing the economy’s workforce. There are steps however being taken to combat natural disasters so they will not have as horrific of an effect on the economy and the landscape.lf aid is supposed to rebuild the area, then shouldn‘t it repair every aspect of it? The aid that people have been giving to affected areas as not been able to help bring the areas economy back onto its feet.

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There are several ideas being put on the table as for what aid to give, but since all ideas are not created equal, there are some ideas that will work and some that will not work. Natural disaster have cost the world billions of dollars over its history. The economic records from all of these events have been documented and published for the world to see. Countries have thought that they were prepared for some of these events have been shown that they were wrong by the devastating power of the disaster. In japan, they are probably one of the best prepared countries in the world for earthquakes with specially formulated infrastructure built to withstand them.

But, they were not prepared for the flooding that was to ensue after the 2011 tsunami. For and unprepared country, there are several sections of the economy that will take big hits from natural disasters. First off, the infrastructure of the economy can be largely affected by disasters, which includes the destruction of houses, buildings, and roads. The destruction of infrastructure greatly affects the flow of goods with the destruction of methods of travel. Roads, railroads, and airports can all be affected and they will greatly hurt the economy of the area. Next, is the disruption of business being made. When a natural disaster occurs the focus of the area will go to the payment and repair for the area. This will greatly affect business because instead of doing business, they are working on the area. Also, natural disasters bring mass unemployment with the destrucution of office buildings. In places where significant portions of the country are decimated by disasters, governments are often left with little recourse; with a fraction of their former tax revenue coming in and deteriorated sovereign creditworthiness, foreign aid becomes an absolute necessity.

The first step for the relief of a natural disaster is the anticipation of them happening. The local area has to be ready for one to happen and there are several steps that they can take.Anticipation is critical because in 2010, according to a global insurance study, natural disasters caused 194 billion dollars in damages. There are needs for protection more than just structures built to withstand these disasters, there has to be something new that can protect the economy as well.One step that can do just that is some places are taking steps to help pay for the damages of natural disasters by taking out insurance from the bank of Zurich on their economy. This idea came about from the recurring problem of there either not being enough money to fix the problem to the problem costing the area milions of dollars. There are stats to prove the need for there to be financial backup for these disasters like: The earthquake and tsunami in Japan wiped out half the supply of chips for auto safety control systems and air filters for Toyota or the Floods in Thailand knocked several hard disk drive factories out of commission, leading to a global shortage for computer manufacturers and costing Intel $1 billion.

These damages are enormous and they do not just have an effect on the companies itself. If factories are put out of commission then that means the workers that operate them are out of a job which will hurt the local economy. It will also affect prices because the company would need to raise them to make up for the lost money. Also the need for monetary protection also increases for the governments of disaster prone areas as well because as the population of the globe grows, the denser the population centers get. This means that one disaster will have a more damaging effect than before because there is more to destroy.Countries like japan need insurance like this because companies experienced profits losses up to 33% around the globe from the 2011 tsunami that hitjapan. If foreign aid really wants to help a country economically they need to do more than just repair some of the infrastructure and clean up the damage. They need to get money flowing into the catastrophe area again because that is what truly can save its economy. What this means is that investors need to put their money into the businesses of the area. This will first, allow businesses to rebuild their own companies.

Second, the companies will be able to hire back the workers that lost their jobs with the destruction of the factories.Thirdly it will help trade to come back to the area. In the economy, the flow of money is everything, and after a natural disaster the economy can almost completely stop. An example of this was the tsunami in japan. After the flooding stopped and the waters receded, the economy was at a standstill because a lot of the infrastructure was wiped away. Like usual, there was a cleanup initiative organized and it was immediately sent to Japan. This response, as I said earlier, has a minor impact on the economy itself. There was a new development however, that was just was Japan needed. Investors now believe in the recovery of Japan’s main city Tokyo. This means that they will begin to invest Japanese businesses. As I said above this is what japan needed for its full relief because this will directly give the money rather than just repairing the infrastructure. If people actually want to help out an area destroyed by a natural disaster, they must help repair the economy of the area.

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Natural Disasters and How We Can Help. (2022, Sep 25). Retrieved from

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