How Caffeine Affects Health

Topics: Energy Drinks

Caffeine man it’s good stuff. The three main topics I’m going to talk about are cost you spend on caffeine or caffeine drinks, it can cause health risks like addiction and disease, and problems with caffeine but way that it will benefit you. The industry of caffeine has big impact on American Culture but not for the best like cost, usage, health risk but has some benefits. First, the money you spend caffeinated drink you could by lost of things, reizeclub.

com stated, One caffeinated drink a day after one week you could buy a Gym Membership, after one you could buy a new laptop, after ten years you could buy a jet ski. If you drink two a day, after a week you could buy a round of beers, after a one year you could buy a 3D television, After ten years you could buy a brand new car. If you drink three a day, after one week you could buy a new pair of shoes, after one year you could buy an all inclusive holiday, After ten years you could buy luxury boat.

The average jet ski cost about $16,425, the average car cost about $32,850, and the average boat cost about $49,275. The average 8.5 oz. energy drink cost about $4.40, average 16 oz. energy drink cost about $5.25. Second, the caffeine industry makes lots of money, they almost thirty one cents per can, that really adds up. Red Bull is a privately owned company, so not much public numbers. Also, Manufacturing costs for soft drinks are , generally, ridiculously low.

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The real spend is in Marketing, Packaging and Distribution. Going by industry standards, ‘cost to produce’ of red bull should be around 5 to 8% of total price. Cost is 8% Packaging (aluminium cans, corrugated boxes) 10% Distribution (inventory, transportation) 20 to 25% Marketing. (quora)

So they make about $2.745 on 16 ounce cans. For Mountain Dew it cost about a penny per ounce. For 20 oz. bottle it costs 20 cents, and they can sale them for $1.79, they make a $1.59 Profit. Second, there is lots of health risk with caffeine like addiction. Despite all of caffeine’s health benefits, there’s no denying that it may become habit-forming. A detailed review suggests that although caffeine triggers certain brain chemicals similarly to the way cocaine and amphetamines do, it does not cause classic addiction the way these drugs do. However, it may lead to psychological or physical dependency, especially at high dosages. In one study, 16 people who typically consumed high, moderate, or no caffeine took part in a word test after going without caffeine overnight. Only high caffeine users showed a bias for caffeine-related words and had strong caffeine cravings. Additionally, the frequency of caffeine intake seems to play a role in dependency.

In another study, 213 caffeine users completed questionnaires after going 16 hours without consuming it. Daily users had greater increases in headaches, fatigue and other withdrawal symptoms than non-daily users. Even though the compound does not seem to cause true addiction, if you regularly drink a lot of coffee or other caffeinated beverages, there’s a very good chance you may become dependent on its effects. Second, caffeine can cause bad disease or make you real sick. It can cause if you have to much it will give you diarrhea. If your daily user it will give you muscle aches. Also if you drink to much the not have any you will get a major headache and it may cause nausea or vomiting. The acidity in caffeine can give you heartburn. If you have like way to much it will make you confused but that is like 4 red bull and a whole of mountain dew.

Finally, there is lots of problems with caffeine but the worst is usage people drink a lot some over one hundred ounces a day. How you cut back on that usage is don’t go cold turkey just cut back slowly if you are drink one hundred ounces cut back twenty a week until you are down to zero. Drink more water and less caffeine and get enough sleep. If you do that it will boost your nature energy. There are lots of benefit with caffeine. First is it will alert your brain more cause it wakes you up. It actually decreases suicide risk because it boost your mood. It decreases the risk of oral and throat cancer. It also increases urination so you pee more. In conclusion, caffeine is good but can lead to bad spend habits. Can lead to health risk like addiction or disease, and problems with caffeine but in a way that it can benefit you. So don’t get addicted can it could hurt you or make you go broke.

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How Caffeine Affects Health. (2021, Dec 25). Retrieved from

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