Engaging in Community Service Can Help Build a Person's Character

Over my high school year, I have to serve my community in different ways and earned over 300hrs of community service but only 200hrs have been shown in my school record. Being in AFJROTC it help me get more active in my community, I have been involved with road cleaning this program is provided by are Kitty Hawk Air Society members in my JROTC unite, and paper recycling provided by Junior Civitans Club in my School (Eleanor Roosevelt high school), (SADD).

Students Against Destructive Decisions also provided by my school, mentoring and helping elderly people this is provide by AFJROTC unite All these organizations are run by use students, To engorge teens to be more active in there community,not only because of community services hours but 1″ because it is are priority as young adult to protect are future, second it is a fun and exciting way to know what is happening, and ways you can help improve your community and how you can stop problems going on in your community.

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Engaging in Community Service Can Help Build a Person's Character. (2023, Apr 06). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/engaging-in-community-service-can-help-build-a-person-s-character/

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