Changes In The Public Domain Landscape

For better or worse, New York and Los Angeles were undergoing significant changes in the landscape of the public domain and the city’s environmental aspects in the 1950s. Walter O’Malley took an opportunistic approach to the situation that starts with a visionary perspective of a Stadium for the team and its fans he owned. Playing politics with both New York and Los Angeles, O’Malley uses a chest full of tactics as his weapons before and after the Dodger Stadium was eventually moving the Brooklyn Dodgers to Los Angeles.

The real estate projects were more than just the construction cost, but also a manipulation of the most vulnerable citizens of Los Angeles. By uprooting and forcing their families to move out of low-income neighborhoods.

Undoubtedly, this illustrated the tension between Los Angeles, Black, and Hispanic societies against the ‘White,’ Elites who monopolized the business, institutions, and government. Whereas the Brooklyn Dodgers fans were rambunctious, uncontrollable, yelled, and liked to fight, no doubt there was an unruly contingent at every game.

Rowdiness in the stands, be it verbal or physical, seemed to happen at every game and could turn ugly quickly. O’Malley felt the space in the Ebbets Field in Brooklyn was too small, and the people were out of control. They were making it dangerous for families to attend the games. However, at the Los Angeles Stadium, the fans of the Dodgers wanted to unite the supporters with baseball; most fans were loyal but harmless.

Meanwhile, in other parts of the population was a combination of many races and traditions segregated into different sectors based on race and class.

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Mostly made up of low income or poor ethnic minorities on one side and separated from the middle class and wealthy whites. This same geographical make-up would cause tension and conflict when Dodger Stadium was approved, and without reservation and unapologetic, many minorities were displaced out of their neighborhoods. As they relocated to other communities, many White citizens moved because they viewed ethnic minority neighbors as less attractive and less favored. By the time the Dodgers franchise relocated to Los Angeles, downtown was dangerous, deteriorating physically, segregated by income and race.

Plus, the white middle class and the wealthy population who work downtown wanted to escape as far away from work as possible. Likewise, several businesses moved to other more desirable locations adding to the decline and making downtown an embarrassment to the Los Angeles leaders and white American citizens. The revitalization of downtown Los Angeles was to give prominent and pride to wealthy and middle-class White Angeles in a more modern Metropolitan City. However, the Dodger Stadium plans overlaid with low-income minority neighborhoods, so these families would be sacrificed and disenfranchised for their homes. Consequently, it causes a more prominent widespread division between races and economic statuses. Although the stadium brought new life and businesses to downtown Los Angeles, it also interrupted cultural families that had long-standing traditions in those communities.

In the hills of LA is a beautiful location that overlooks the valley nestled was a long-standing Hispanic community, maned the Chavez Ravine. Still, now it was the Dodgers Stadium stands. Until they were manipulated and willingly giving up their property to the local government and the LA Housing Authority with the promised, they could return to improved housing conditions in low-income housing projects. However, a series of circumstances made these impossible because of city gain economic profit, so instead, the Dodgers Stadium was built on the Chavez Ravine piece of land where they had deep roots for many generations. The residents of Chavez Ravine did not go quietly, so many were violently and forcefully were taken off their land. But in the long run, the Dodgers Stadium destroyed many of their lives, architectural and historical significance just because someone likes the location and they want it. When they have more money or influence then you do, they take it. It’s the same historical story of the wealthy and the government well-taken resources for the poor or low-income people.

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Changes In The Public Domain Landscape. (2021, Dec 17). Retrieved from

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