Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic Food

Topics: Organic Foods

Safe from Dangerous Pesticides:

Chemical pesticides has been lead to breast, prostate and other cancers, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia, infertility, seizures, convulsions, immune & endocrine disorders, Parkinson’s disease & depression.


Although some organic foods and products are costlier you actually will save money in several ways:

  1.  All food helps to prevent major and minor diseases, sickness, meaning lower health care, endless likelihood of missing work are the hidden advantage of organic food.
  2.  Your brain tells your body to eat partially based on the nutrient it receiving.

    Since we know eating organic means more nutrient it means your brain won’t tell your body to keep eating like it does with junk food.

  3.  Purchasing organic food from the farmer’s market is incredibly cheap .You also has the choice of bartering with farmers goods or services.
  4.  Growing your own products can become free when you get your organic vegetable garden in place.

Safe from Scary Chemicals:

Herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers have been associated with various cancers, immunity disorders & infertility, cardiac disease, hypertension and numerous other diseases.

Safe from Other Crazy Shizz:

Things like hereditarily designed foods, food fertilized with sewer sludge, appetite enhancers given to animals and synthetic hormones are additional advantages of organic food.

Peace of Mind:

Knowing organic food which you are buying can help you to enjoy what you eat for every reason outlined above and below.

Benefits for others when we choose organic:

  •  Supports the Local Economy:

Purchasing organic, especially from the farmer’s market, supports your local community’s economy, creating jobs and keeping farmers thriving.

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  •  Keeps Our Families Healthy:

Conventional food practices are connected to birth defects, learning disorders, leukemia in childhood, autism and nervous system disorders in very young age. In fact, even a new born child’s cord blood shows traces of 21 banned pesticides and 200 plus other harmful chemicals.

  • Keeps Our Neighbors Healthy:

Supporting organic farms means that few people that is neighbors, farmers and people in other country coming into contact with destructive chemicals. This benefits the entire nations and world’s health and wellness.

Organic Food and the Environment:

The benefit of organic food to the environment not only does this protects the planet, but it obviously still protects our health, the health of loved once and the health of other living creatures.

A few more advantage of organic food to support the environment

  • Keep plants healthy:

No super-insects made by pesticides wiping out farms or wild areas. Organic plants flourish as a result of they are made stronger with organic practices.

  • Creates healthy conditions:

No topsoil erosion, pollution, contamination, nutrient deletion, antibiotics-resistant bacteria, or scarred land marks from clear cutting and mono-cropping when we work with nature to accommodate requirements.

  • Supports are supported by nature:

We may not know all the benefits to organic food practices. But we know “organic” has been working for centuries, so whimpers with a track record likersuperio that when we don’t need to.

Disadvantages of Organic Food

One of the issue or drawback with organic food is that it may be difficult to identify. The place you are living may not have a green market and neighborhood stores and may only carry a limited selection. These things are developing in recent years, but still we have some ways to go and it means a little extra effort on your part, finding good sources, mass ordering or raising or raising our own.

Another hindrance to the benefits of organic food I believe I hear often is that the selection is just naturally restricted, not just because stores don’t stock it, but because the organic counterpart to a normal food is not made. This is valid for multiple reasons. First, some foods are just plain crap and cannot be made healthy or organic without a bonafide miracle. The second one is that organic foods tend to be seasonal, since they are not hereditarily modified to withstand cold and not usually grown artificially. This means it will be difficult to get something like fresh tomatoes in January and February, or asparagus in the heat of summer.

The most well-known issue is that organic food is too expensive. This seems accurate when you are comparing it in your grocery store to conventional food. But it is important to understand that what is organic isn’t really more expensive; non-organic food has just been made artificially cheap by government farm subsidies.

Most of the non-organic food gets from corn and soy, two heavily subsidized commodities. Most processed foods are about 80 percentage of corn-derived, and animal products are fed a corn- and soy-based diet. The other subsidies come in the form of oil: petroleum-based manures, pesticides, and so on. The other has to do with scale: large-scale producers are regularly government-upheld as well. Non-organic agriculturists easily get more subsidies in various ways for producing food than organic agriculturists, and so they can keep their prices artificially low. This means you are really paying the same price for non-organic, but some of it is paid at the grocery store and the remaining in your taxes. But knowing that does not change the most important fact of what is: organic food does not have to be more costly. There are many techniques to making organic food affordable.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic Food. (2022, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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