The Princess Bride - A Satirical Fairy Tale

Topics: Fairy Tales

A fairytale is a type of story that typically features fantasy characters such as elves, dwarves, fairies, giants or magic. The film The Princess Bride is directed by Rob Reiner and was released in year 1988. The film contains elements of fairytale, adventure, fantasy, comedy and romance. The Princess Bride revolves around Wesley and Buttercup’s love story. The scenes discussed in this essay are the opening sequence and the sword fight.

In the opening sequence of the film, the diegetic voice over of a cough is heard, the effect of this is to let the audience know that the character is sick.

Another technique found in the opening sequence is facial expressions – the grandfather presents a gift to his grandson and although the boy is excited to receive it, when he opens it up and sees that it’s a book, a hint of annoyance is displayed on his face. This helps the audience understand that the child is not interested in reading books.

One more film technique found in the opening scene is the setting/props – in this scene the setting is the boy’s bedroom, and throughout the long shot the audience realizes that the boy likes sports because of the sport posters and baseball gear in his bedroom. One of the themes found in the opening sequence of the film is that relationships between older and younger generations is important. In this scene the grandfather tries to bond with his grandson by reading a book that has been passed down by their ancestors.

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The Princess Bride – A Satirical Fairy Tale The Princess Bride – A Satirical Fairy Tale The Princess Bride – A Satirical Fairy Tale

A film technique found in the sword is different camera angles – the effect of the is to help the audience to see what Inigo and the Dread Pirate Roberts can see see whilst they’re sword fighting. Non-diegetic sound is also a film technique used in this scene – the suspense music helps the audience realize how dangerous the situation is. Also the dialogue communicates the tension between Inigo and the Dread Pirate Roberts for example when Inigo says, “I do not mean to pry.” This dialo…

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The Princess Bride - A Satirical Fairy Tale
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