The Ravine Book Summary

Topics: Books

Essay on “The House in the ravine”

I have not decided yet how should assess the book “The House in the ravine …” And the only reason I put the average three stars (for some reason, no estimation is impossible to throw a review, but the assessment is “normal” as something not too fit into that I say next, so I think it is an asterisk).

Alexander Vargo again (as in the book “Cook”) returns to the plot, which has a cruel and unprincipled maniac.

Again maniac actions are explained childhood trauma. On the one hand the novel is very sharp, intense, ruthless and open to failure. Written dynamic and intriguing, and quit reading will be able to only those who randomly picked a book of this genre, and could not stand carefully and shockingly discharged details of medieval torture. The mystery of the killer, despite the author throws clues preserved until the very end and, as a result, totally unexpected. That’s just I can not say that is unpredictable … Here begins the moments that stop me in the assessment.

Roman and his dynamism, a vivid description of the characters, their actions and the psychological underpinnings of these acts with unimaginable nuances woven into a thriller and horror at the same time, could be a masterpiece for fans of the genre. But the killer during torture puts on a clown suit with orange pompoms and calls itself an IT

The Ravine Book Summary

-! Hello Mr. Stephen King. Nothing that we here in Russia a little mock your subjects and try to surpass even you – the King of Horror, stole the main character and make it even worse

And the denouement … Yes, it is completely unexpected outcome … As if was invented in the very last moment, and suddenly, and for the author himself (it seemed to me that not all parts of the book are joined by such an ending) and deducted from the book Brigitte Auber “extra soul».

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and what I read so many thrillers? After all, not knowing this, these books I could have thought that Vargo – the original author of all time !

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The Ravine Book Summary. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

The Ravine Book Summary
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