Benefits of Vending Machines in Schools

Topics: Junk Food

There can be many benefits for vending machines to be in schools, vending machines can provide students with snacks needed to get them through their long day. Students can enjoy baked crackers and chips, low carb trail mix, dried fruit snacks and 100 calorie cookies and crackers. Having a healthy meal available will help a child when need that opportunity to grab a quick bite or a healthy drink when needed. Morning routines can be hectic for parents and their children, and everyone must get ready quickly, parents have to make sure homework completed, make lunches while trying to get out the door on time.

Many snack and lunches can be left behind during the chaos, by having vending machines in school will help the parents have a piece of mind knowing that their child can still eat something healthy that will help with their energy needed for the long day. Vending machines should be in schools because no child should have to go through a long day hungry.

Premise 1: Because vending machines can provide a student with food when hungry.

Premise 2: Seeing that vending machines in schools are an easy way for a student to access food when needed.

Premise 3: Considering that no child should go through a day of learning and be hungry.

Conclusion: Which means that vending machines are an essential part of a child’s day when needing and healthy snack for energy or a drink to stay hydrated through a child’s day.

In this standard form of inductive reasoning, the premises are true at this time but can be false when vending machine content change.

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Premise 1 is true because if vending machines with snacks placed in schools will help a child to be able to eat when hungry. Premise 2 is correct as well because having an easy way to access food when needed is essential. Premise 3 is correct as well because no child should be hungry as they go through a long day.

Healthy eating is imported in a child day, the way a child eats as they grow can affect the health and eating choices in many ways. Studies show that children and adolescents make up a large percentage of the growing obese population (Schoenfeld, A. 2017), and over the past 30 years, the rate of children and adolescents who are overweight or at risk of becoming overweight has more than tripled to 37% and 34% in the U.S. alone (Harris, Bargh, and Brownell 404). Our new generation children are our technology children; they are on their phone, video game systems and watching television in their spare time. Food advertisement can influence children to believe that what they are seeing must be good for them if sold. Therefore, we as parent and educators in a school setting should provide excellent examples of why and how to eat healthily and the benefits of what they will get from eating healthier. By teaching our child at home how to eat to live, and school offering healthy food options will help influence our children to make good choices for snacks and meals as well when passing many fast food places as they head home. We must be good examples for our children; when they see us making healthy eating options, they tend to want to do the same. Healthy vending machine options would help parents feel at ease when giving their children money to make their own food choices throughout their busy days.

Some parent may say no to vending machines being in their children school, why are they there, is it to make money for the school, will it tempt their child to only want and quick snack vs. the healthy option lunch in the cafeteria. Would a child be able to make different choices, or would they eat the same snack every day instead of a varied menu of hot lunches that are offered in the cafeteria? How about how distracting they are, and how they can harm a child with food allergies. A parent would be concern that their child may not have time to read labels and may eat a food item that will cause an allergic reaction. They may also wonder if their child is choosing to spend their lunch money at the vending machine and is it because what the cafeteria is serving is not inviting. The cynical reason why vending machines should not be in school is that children may overeat snack food offered through vending machines which can result in overeating and obesity.

Premise 1: Since schools are the perfect market for vending machines

Premise 2: Assuming the cafeteria may not have food that tastes good to eat.

Premise 3: Considering, that an adult does not monitor vending machines.

Conclusion: As a result, vending machines should not be allowed in schools if an adult is not controlling them.

The selling of food in vending machines can be a distraction for students. As well as will these foods that are putting in the vending machines cause some health problems that can cause obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and so much more. I know when I see a vending machine I’m curious to see what is in the well-lite devices and how much are the items. When looking for a quick snack, I will pay two dollars for a drink that is easy to access and get right away to quench my thrust. I’m sure that is true to how a child feels when he sees a well lite vending machine. Our school should be responsible for what our children eat, and this should also be important for the foods that are served in our children’s cafeterias, these foods should look fresh and inviting for the children to want to eat more in the cafeteria. If vending machines are placed in schools, they too should offer things like fresh salads, sandwiches, soups and many more living foods. Also, are these machines put in schools to profit from the sales of meals to our children and if so where is the money going. We as parents should know that answers to any question about what our children are eating and making sure its healthy choices.

We must teach our child how to choose the right food choices when eating away from home. Children nowadays or surrounded by ready-made outside food choices, whether it be from a corner store, fast food restaurant, school cafeteria or vending machines placed in their schools. Junk food is harmful because it gives our child a high intake of energy, fats, sodium, sugar, and a low intake of vitamins. Vending machines should be allowed in school but should offer children a healthier snack with less salt and sugars so that parents can feel more at ease about what their children are consuming through the day.

Who should be responsible for what our children consume throughout the day? Children spend most of their day at school during the week. Children food intake is essential for the children to receive enough nutrition when away from home. Students should not be consuming too many empty calories of fatty, salty and sugary food they are not easy to digest. To be able to reduce childhood obesity school are monitoring junk foods served in vending machines. Most have taken the step to remove sugary drinks such as soft drinks and limit the amount of fatty, sugar and high calories that found in processed foods. Most have replaced them with 100% fruit juices, whole grains snacks, and low-sodium items.

There are many choices of snack food available today, the federal government has stepped in to improve what school is serving to help to develop a student’s health and nutrition. These choices must include whole grains, low-fat options, fruits and vegetables, and proteins. A child’s most significant food intake is at school; the school is responsible for making sure that every child eats while in their care, they must be aware that this may be the healthiest meal that this child receives throw-out their day. Studies have shown that children in lower grades receive a healthier diet with these types of foods; this is when teaching children are essential, and they will be able to carry this into their high school choices of foods.

School can create a culture of healthy young eaters. They can also provide resource material information about smart snacks in school; this can be done with a colorful brochure or a large printout of nutrition labels that help children to make better snack choices. Vending machines should be permitted in schools because not all snacks are unhealthy. We as parents should make sure that the schools are providing our children with healthy snacks and meals. For example, we should know what schools are feeding our children. If school have vending machines with unhealthy snacks, parents should have the right to know. Vending machines in school can have their pros and cons and can affect what a child consumes in their daily eating when we teach our children at home and school how to eat this will create a healthy society all around.

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Benefits of Vending Machines in Schools. (2022, Apr 29). Retrieved from

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