A Look at the Society's Mindless Assumptions in Nikki Rosa by Nikki Giovanni and Richard Cory by Edwin Arlington Robinson

Nikki Giovanniis ” Nikki Rosa ” and Edwin Arlington Robinsonis ” Richard Cory ” both reveal that monetary wealth does not bring forth happiness. Each poem embodies unexpected conclusions which lead the reader to realize that the true lives of the speaker are misconceived by societyts narrow-minded use of assumption and face values. Richard Cory, awealthy and unhappy man, and Nikki Rosa, a poor yet happy child, are both lodged by their wealth or lack of wealth, praying that one can not simply judge a person by appearances t Nikki Rosa is a poem about a black woman reminiscing her poor.

childhood upbringings and expressing how a white person can not understand her true happinessln the poem ” Nikki Rosa.” the opening statement, ” childhood remembrances are always a drag / if you like Black, ” immediately displayUs the writers attitude on society is negative view of growmg up as a poor black child .The speaker feels white biographers see black children as unhappy, uneducated, and deprived of chances in life due to a lack of money and material possessions .

The speaker emphasizes being ” and ” as the whole family attended meetings in Hollydale, thus showing the importance of the family as opposed to money. The capitalization of Black , Woodlawn. and Hollydale show the importance to the speaker while Chicago is left uncapitalized showmg the speaker does not care about taking baths in the ” big tubs that folk in chicago barbeque in. Line nine portrays the speakerIJs poverty With Nikki Rosa remembering bathing in What Wealthy people prepare food in , “ and though youire poor it isnit poverty that! concerns you ” lets the reader know that money is not a main concern t The poem goes further to state ” Black love is Black wealth meaning when one is poor, money is not the main concern but more focus is placed on family love and memories shared.

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The quick assumptions that Nikki Rosa grew up unhappy due to poverty is proved incorrect With the least expected last line, ” all the while I was quite happy.

The speaker disproves societyfls assumptions that poverty equals unhappiness when she states her life is rich With memories and love. neither which can be purchased with money . In contrast to Nikki Giovannfls “Nikki Rosa”, describing a poor child who seems unhappy, ” Richard Cory, ” a poem by Edwin Arlington Robinson describes a man who seems to have it all . The reader and less fortunate ” people on the pavement Z ” assume Richard Cory is ” a gentleman from sole to crown , ” due to monetary wealth. Richard Coryfls wealth makes others regard him as Well bred  attractive tasteful , educated. graceful and most of all, happy t A man who is always ” Clean favored, and imperially slim , ” quietly arrayed ” and ” rich – yes richer than a king » ” , could be nothing but happy in society’s eyes .

People in the community assume Richard Cory is and has ” everything ” and ” wish that we were in his place. While striving to be like him. the people work hard, making sacrifices in hopes to eventually gain the ” happiness ” Cory appears to have . No one ever suspects Richard Coryls grim reality. The sing , song ABAB rhyme scheme eases the reader with a smooth rhythm that flows to an abrupt and least expected ending , iust like Richardi’s life. ” one calm summer night, /went home and put a bullet through his head .  A Wealthy and prestigious man is seen as a happy man due to societyis attitudes and assumptions towards money . Somety never suspects Richard Coryfls true state of being because he is rich . The last two lines shock the reader and prove society wrong in their assumptions that money brings

happiness . The poems ” Nikki Rosa ” and ” Richard Con! ” both use money or the lack of money to show that appearances do not always reflect reality , Each poem displays situational irony, where there is a contradiction between what is expected to happen and what actually happens due to forces beyond human comprehension or control Society incorrectly Judges the happiness of each character because of the amounts of money each owns . Nikki Rosa, a poor child, is misjudged as having an unhappy childhood because poverty stricken but found to be rich wtth memories and love . Richard Cory, awealthy man, is misjudged as happy but found dead by suicide, a poor and lonely escape. Each poem uses the characters as examples to remind society not to judge people by images or money because appearances do not always reflect reality.

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A Look at the Society's Mindless Assumptions in Nikki Rosa by Nikki Giovanni and Richard Cory by Edwin Arlington Robinson. (2023, May 14). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-look-at-the-society-s-mindless-assumptions-in-nikki-rosa-by-nikki-giovanni-and-richard-cory-by-edwin-arlington-robinson/

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