Who was Elvis Presley?

   Elvis Presley was born January 8, 1935, and died August 16, 1977. Elvis Presley grew up in Tupelo, Elvis and his family were  poor. Elvis’s dad took multiple jobs to support his family, but Elvis’s dad had no success. Elvis’s musical talent was discovered when Elvis started to sing in his church’s choir. For Elvis’s birthday he was gifted a guitar, which he learned to play by himself even though he couldn’t read music. Elvis started taking place in talent competitions.

He participated in competitions all over Tupelo. When Elvis moved to Memphis he also participated in talent competitions there.

In 1953 after Elvis graduated from High School he started driving a truck for a company so that he could make money and pay his way into Memphis recording services, Elvis wanted to make his songs. Less than a year after Elvis was able to pay his way into the Memphis recording studio, Elvis recorded the song That’s Alright Mama for the Sun Record.

This song became Elvis’s first commercial release, Elvis sold over 20 thousand copies. Elvis didn’t stop there, he kept making songs until eventually everyone knew his songs. Elvis’s first number one song from a list of top 100 songs was Heartbreak Hotel. This song was number one out of one hundred for seven of the twenty-seven weeks it was on the list. This song also reached the top of the charts for country music. This song became proof that you can combine country, rhythm, and the blues all in one to make a new concept of rock ‘n roll.

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This new concept of music hit the world by storm. Elvis wasn’t just an amazing singer but an amazing actor too. Millions of people viewed the shows he appeared on like the, Steve Allen Show, and the Milton Berle Show.

In 1958 while Elvis was stationed at Fort Hood in Texas, his mom passed away. The rest of his military service was spent with Elvis placed in Germany until his release in 1960. A weight problem for Elvis became obvious during  late 1960. Elvis’s need for drugs increased drastically. Elvis’s issues at the time didn’t stop him from performing. Elvis kept performing at a consistent rate. On August 16, 1977 right before another one of his famous concert tours, Elvis was found dead. The main reason for his death was heart disease. Elvis Presley’s death sent a wave of sadness across the world.

Elvis Presley’s death brought the whole world to tears. Elvis’s songs were emotional, inspirational and they will be remembered for all of eternity. Elvis changed music for the better and inspired other people who were poor like him to follow their dreams. Also, Elvis Presley created a new type of music called rock ‘n roll which singers with work on and upgrade as the years go on. Elvis has left the building for good. 

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Who was Elvis Presley?. (2021, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/who-was-elvis-presley/

Who was Elvis Presley?
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