"White poppy" by Clemens Lindner

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Clemens Lindner was born in Hall 1965th He is a fellow and lives both in Tyrol and in Tokyo. This book was the state of Tyrol, with the support of the Cultural Department. Lindner stands in his novel, the psychological profile of the outsider Sebastian Hauser. Many events are obviously parallels to the life of the poet Georg Trakl.

Although Trakls life and work are not directly content of this novel, I would like to better understand prefixing a brief outline to Trakl.

Georg Trakl was born in Salzburg on February 3, 1887th He grew up in an intact family, the fourth of six children. His school career was marked by failure (two non dislocations). After studying pharmacy (from 1908 in Vienna), he worked as a pharmacist and lived alternately in Salzburg, Vienna and Innsbruck.

His first literary works were published in the journal “The burner”. Trakl was depressed, took drugs and had a close incestuous relationship with his sister Margaret. Their marriage was a defining shock to Trakl; He inspired him so much that he created his best works during this period.

They are marked by depressions

Trakl died early -. At the age of 27 years – at a cocaine poisoning. His sister Margaret shot himself three years later/ Sebastian Hauser, the protagonist in Clemens Lindner’s novel, has striking similarities with Trakl: sexual love with his sister Judith;. both commit suicide for themselves; Hauser is addicted to drugs and moody; he retreats into his own world.

But Hauser is an independent man. His individuality is characterized by our modern global world.

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He needs to process no war experience. to collect his morbid, restless life with the obsession places, things and other things, have other causes that have nothing to do with Trakl.

The first chapter begins with the sentence “The company was given late at night a call … “More nocturnal anonymous Arufe create tension in a thriller. But then Fischer’s ex-wife Karla and later his former classmate Sebastian Hauser reports. The call Hauser led Fischer to delve into his past. f in Bulletin of the maturation vintage 1986th indet Fischer a class photo, are displayed on the all actionable persons: Georg Fischer and his wife Karla, Sebastian Hauser and his sister Judith. These four people have something in z. T. loose Frundschaft, sexual Beziehunen, including multiple rapes.

Georg Trakl’s work, his birth on February 3, and his suicide are a common, unifying field of interest of four people. From the fourth chapter, Lindner increasingly focused on the person Sebastian Hauser. The chapter begins with the phrase “Sebastian Hauser went with thoughtful expression …”. Hauser is a loner, Atheist, dressed in black Goth and mama’s boy. Hauser sees himself as “alter ego of Georg Trakl”. His attitude to fellow students and teachers is characterized by arrogance. Action and events are reduced more and more. Increasingly, we are seeing Sebastian Hauser as drug addicts, surrounded by a fringe Society

With its quirks it is determined by others and these addictions can not escape. He hangs out in cemeteries around, gathers graves of poets and personalities of film, theater and music world the books Wahn chasing him through many bookstores. He does not shrink from systematic theft. Paradoxically, he longs to be caught/

Unexpectedly for the reader describes Clemens Lindner absurd, Kafkaesque situation (February 3, 1986): A clown sitting in a narrow space, experienced hallucinations. After the slow improvement in his diseased state he must leave the room. What’s it all about? Revealing about such puzzles are the author with a special stylistic devices:

Again and again the novel are inserted significantly different set lines in the text. Are there verses from Trakl’s work? Are there verses from Hauser eignenen literary attempts? Or is it just commenting Bays? Even after the clown scene such a sentence follows: “demons by the sick soul go”. Some of these comments are hard to understand, others brighten relationships.

In summer 1991 the restless Hauser moved to New York. He met a Japanese woman, which he later visited in Japan. Hauser permanent unrest will not let the reader untouched. Lindner replaces the direct speech by spoken thoughts that only hunt back and forth. Meaningless phrases such. . B. “Spiderman holiday” accumulate

From Chapter 9 sets Lindner a new linguistic style element: Dominique, a transsexual, writes letters to Hauser: fifteen pieces/ The last. psychotic delusions can Hauser run in search of public phones and other phone numbers by New York in the penultimate chapter Lindner Notes once again be criminal literary talent. He describes a brutal murder, the investigation and the arrest of killer.

A successful rounding of the book is the final chapter. Here the protagonists meet again. Their relationship and love pairings clarify it. February 3 plays a disastrous role/Christoph Lindner’s book looks puristic – on the barren cover, there are only three sets. Information on authors and content are completely absent. This book will probably find only a small readership. That I find a shame because it deserves attention and recognition.

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"White poppy" by Clemens Lindner. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/white-poppy-clemens-lindner-my-review/

"White poppy" by Clemens Lindner
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