Whatthey can do to extend their dog's lifeand how to work on

I’m sure that you’ve seen people being really hot brokenhearted about their dogs what I’d like to share with you is a few things about how to keep your dog healthy the first thing that I would like to share with you is about vaccine I used to be really confused about vaccines until I realized that most of the time we don’t really need to use them and maintain the immunity of our dogs just just using minimal or no vaccines I’ve learned that if dogs are vaccinated too early at the age of six to eight weeks the immune system is still immature and what actually happens the vaccines neutralize the maternal antibodies which is a total opposite what you’re trying to achieve what I recommend is at 12 weeks of your dogs or your puppies age you take a blood sample and send it to the lab for title testing and titer testing is basically a measurement of antibodies in your dog’s bloodstream and if your dog is positive for antibodies against distemper and parvo then.

I recommend repeating the test at five months again and if your dog is a measurement of antibodies in your dog’s bloodstream and if your dog is positive for antibodies against distemper and parvo then I recommend repeating the test at five months again and if your dog is positive again then you can repeat it at one year and tears and after that it’s very unlikely that your dog would get actually any parvo distemper because it’s just not common in older or adult dogs if it comes to rabies I usually do not recommend giving rabies before six months of age it’s really important to reduce the number of vaccines and I usually do you recommend just taking the Dinos first and then see if the antibodies are sufficient or not if they are sufficient there is no need to vaccinate vaccines like kennel cough or Lyme disease are those that I really do not like because they appear to cause more side effects than some of the other vaccines.

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I’ll give you an example about 50% of dogs that get kennel cough vaccine actually get get kennel cough itself so you know the vaccine actually doesn’t protect dogs it quite often infects them Lyme disease vaccine is one of those vaccines that is has not been approved in humans because it was considered unsafe and inefficient and what I have seen in dogs that get Lyme disease vaccine they quite often become arthritic and have inflammations of inflammation of joints very early on in their life you know when it comes to controlling ticks and Lyme disease it’s it’s good to comb your day a dog every day if you live in a tick infested area and remove all the tick sub within 24 hours after dutchman so every day brushing and combing really thorough bro combing would be a way to go when it comes to prevention of Lyme disease now the other myth that is kind of very interesting and I don’t know where it came from is the dog.

Shouldn’t be socialized until the age of four months until all the vaccines are given and to me it’s like taking children and not allowing them to socialize with any other children and isolating them completely for the first several years of life obviously the social social skills will be reduced and they will not be as well adjusted and they will have behavior problems whether it’s kids or dogs so I usually recommend socializing dogs on modern basis I wouldn’t necessarily take them I would necessarily take puppies to a dog park where there are a lot of dogs but you know seeing making them see other dogs having them make friends with other dogs is absolutely fine if they are protected with antibodies now if the antibodies are negative then you have a decision to make do you want to just give one antigen of parvo at the age of twelve weeks and then I give another antigen in four weeks after that of distemper and then measure the antibodies again if the antibodies are sufficient there is no need to boost you know there is one thing about disease and health and and and chronic problems that I’ve learned that if you use drugs to suppress them or treat them that the body eventually ends up with more problems than before drugs are definitely life-saving when it comes to anaesthesia or when it comes to some serious advance and progress conditions.

But other than that I basically is with these supplements and nutrition and herbs to do what what what conventional medical schools actually taught us to do the drugs if you think of conventional drugs they’re chemicals that are foreign to the body so if the body is dealing with the disease any heat treated with drugs the body has to heal from the disease plus it has to detox the drugs so it’s not optimal and there are other ways of addressing most acute conditions and even many chronic conditions and I’ve learned that I can I can reduce the amount of drugs in my practice by 95 plus percent you know I’m not saying that drugs are never needed sometimes they are and I think they’re helpful but most of the time we can actually treat conditions without drugs and that’s what I like to teach people how to prevent using toxic chemicals and medication and how to create health through

Nutrition and supplements and good vitamins and herbs and healing as nature intended the next thing that I usually recommend to people to look at is reducing the amount of anti-parasitic drugs because Hardwear medication-free medication and intestinal parasite medication can be helpful in those serious and rare situations but most of the time they don’t actually need to be given on a monthly basis so what you can do if you have questions you can go to my blog at Peter devised calm or you can email us at contact at Peter devised calm or you can go on Facebook at dr. Tobias natural healing if the next piece of knowledge that I really would like to share with you is about treats because.

I know that treats dog treats are part of our lives it’s an expression of love for our dogs and I think that that treats are always going to be there and we’re always going to give them but it’s important to remember that if you if you feed treats there’s a there’s a relatively high risk that you’ll be giving treats with poor quality ingredients in them I do not recommend giving a wheat-based treats milk-based treats treats that have synthetic preservatives ideally try to buy local treats try to buy treats that are not too cheap to be true I sometimes like to use pet foods like zippy peek just the little little dry fruit pieces as treats and dogs love them and it’s a very reputable company from New Zealand colours are kind of a medieval device if you think about it we put them on our dogs and then put a leash and then some people jerk and tug on it and there’s so many sensitive structures in the neck and throat and and dogs get really injured and affected by colors I see that all the time I recommend using a front attachment friend our clip.

Harness that is much safer and it frees the dog’s neck and it doesn’t cause any injuries and damage and other issue electric colors I can’t stand them I think that electric colors are very harmful they create obviously energy waves and electric waves within the body they also traumatize our dogs it’s a use of force and I think that they should be outlawed another major issue is a retractable leash because retractable leashes generate a certain spring when your dog is on it and dogs have to pull the spring to actually extend the leash and injuries happen over the past few years I’ve been monitoring the levels of heavy metals and also some radioactive isotopes in in dogs that that do get to our fish and what we discovered from the hair samples of dogs and running hair key test which is a test that that we offer that most dogs that have exclusive fish diet would have higher mercury levels than those that do not get facial get very little now I’ve learned that salmon doesn’t appear to be as big of a problem as some other fish like tuna and white fish and we have also.

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Whatthey can do to extend their dog's lifeand how to work on
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