What Makes a Food Belong to a Country?

In the discussion of the nationality of food, perhaps a perplexing but intriguing matter that we continued to encounter, even in a subsequent class discussion. is what makes a food belong to a country. Foods can be assimilated to a country, such as ramen to Japan and burgers to the United States, but there is also the matter of the origin of the food. We discussed the matter of geography influencing where food can grow, thus impacting the food’s nationality.

We seemed to conclude that food is more of a gray area in terms of nationality. especially when seeing the two different ways that a hamburger is prepared in Japan versus the US. Another matter that stuck with me in discussing Tampopo was the social impacts of eating. I’ve become more conscious of the social settings of food, and I’ve contemplated the difference between eating at home in comparison to eating at school in my own life.

I finish food faster when eating here at school, as I have other things in my schedule to which to attend.

But while at home, I take my time when eating, especially at dinner with my family, a time when we all talk and catch up with each other. Furthermore. we also see how technology now impacts that social aspect of eating. how it either contributes or takes away from socializing. In terms of the use of phones, while eating with others, I think technology has taken more away from the socializing with the people who are physically present, But I won’t deny liking ordering my food from a computer, just because it feels faster and makes me more comfortable in my introversion.

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Nevertheless, as a result of this discussion, Ididn’t think about the social impact of food to this degree previously and am still thinking about it. Ambient cinema unveiled a unique kind of filmemaking that focuses on the setting of mood for the viewer through cinematography. The ambience present in Tony Takitani pulled most of the class into feelings of melancholy, suffocation, and dullness.

But the subtractivism also highlights Tony’s struggle with interpersonal relationships, or lack thereof. in the monochromatic colors. minimalism, limited cast, and simple soundtrack. Roquet links Tony’s lack of emotional connections to emotion management, remarking on the end scene of the film to highlight how Tony exemplifies this emotion management in moving on from his grief. A particular scene in Tony Takitani that garnered discussion was the scene of Tony grieving at his house, framed by a ticking sound. The meaning of this ticking sound was different to many in the class. For one, the sound of ticking instills the fact that time goes on. But in opposition, it was viewed not that anything was moving forward for the film, as it is the cinema of slowness, which makes Tony appear stuck in time. Another take on the ticking amplified this opinion by referring to the sound as a “broken record.” This simple sound really shows how much cinematography can influence the perception of the viewer, sending slightly different messages, even if there is a single intention behind that element.

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What Makes a Food Belong to a Country?. (2022, Oct 09). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/what-makes-a-food-belong-to-a-country/

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