What Does Your Future Entail

Topics: Future

Future is defined as “The time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come.” (google) I would suggest citing the actual source. They make not like you just using google.

What is Future

Many view the future as a time in something we can’t control but what we don’t realize is ouryour future is the minute right after this. We cannot predict nor control our future events, but what we can do is accept the changes among us.

Your future is whatever you make out of it. Although most of us see our future as being in years to come our future is really now, despite your mind set. “Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family.

Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.”(Earl Nnightingale)

In my eyes, time and future will always coincide, when I think of my future I picture a clock. We think of the times that are acceptable for completing tasks such as college or work, the places I should be and the things I should achieve. But the truth is what is life if we only think of the future? WorryingWe constantly worry about whether we meet these standards we set for ourselves they influence this generation in more ways than I can explain.

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What good will it do in 50 years or 30 years from now? Are we really going to stick to that one goal we set?

Society is based off of the clock set by those around us, who say we need to follow the clock of our acquaintances? We are all on own our personal clock despite of what the world around us says we all have our whole lives to build our so called future that our society so highly demands. What does future truly mean in this generation? In my opinion and experience it means money; nice cars, big house, fancy clothes, and things we can’t begin to pay for just starting out as adults. Our social norm is focused on appearance but who knows what will be socially acceptable in the so called future. The world around us is constantly changing the acceptable thing today might be influenced or changed by tomorrow. We should all try and view the future as a something to strive for not be afraid of. The future is the next second, minute, hour, hell even next year. But what we don’t realize is how important it is to not only prepare for the future but be excited. We all dread up coming up tests, bills or situations, but they will be there throughout your whole life.

The future is going to be today, tomorrow ,and years from now it all just depends on the perspective you have every single day. The clock is ticking and it’s time to change our perspective. When we think of future we typically think of our personal lives. But, what about the things around us? Technology has advanced so much over the last decade that it’s hard to think of our lives without it.

An average teenager thinks of their future as being 20 years from now. What happens between then? “ life is what’s between your future.” (kaitlyn)” your future is defined by the musical generations over time, they influence our perspective on life.”(jax) Everyone views their life as their own story book but what we don’t realize is how much technology, school, and the internet influence our lives. In today’s world 3 billion humans are on the internet but there are also 4 billion people that are not. Thinking of this you don’t realize the impact it truly makes on your life. The future’s so much bigger than we could have imagined years ago. People years ago thought we would have flying cars and be able to walk on water but what we do have is the start to a huge future that we all desire.

Little do we know that our future is being built by everyone around us. The harder we study the larger the advances will be, the harder we work the better off we are, and the things we need will soon be in our reach. I may be one person but the world is built around every one of us so we all have the power to influence our future. We all have the power to not only build this world up but to change our society in so many ways. Medical and technological advances are possible because of us and the people before us. Maybe it is just a few hours or days but that changes the future for everyone no matter how small the process may seem. It’s a huge step for the world around us.The future was thought to be something so simple that some feel as if life and future don’t coincide. You should strive to not only live the life you want to life but to build the future that you believe you deserve.

What the future will be like in 20 or 30 years. This question worries a majority of our society. We know almost everything about the past there are countless: tv shows, books, and documentaries. But the only thing we don’t know is what the future holds. But luckily every day new technology comes out and advances are being made to shape our future. Look at phones and cameras for instance, the bag phone to a flip phone, then we have the infamous iphone. Technology has the greatest influence on the lives of average people. Not only does it impact our personal lives but our career goals and perspectives as well.

Technology has morphed electronics and data into something that future generations will always be able to look back on. Looking forward it’s hard to picture the future and what advances will come with it. But taking a step back and realizing how far we have come in such a short amount of time is astonishing. Everyday the past and future will coincide, things that were important years ago don’t get brought up and things that didn’t matter are now being the center of attention.

The word future not only holds the meaning of time to come but the time in the past. Days come and go but our past will always influence our future. We look back and see the complex cameras that took the first photo to the great quality on our iphones to robots who will photograph space. We are at a time in our lives where technology is starting to overcome the jobs and lives in our community. We make all these advances but who knows what technology could truly be in the future.

Future, what will the future be if we don’t conserve energy and resources? We looked on electronics and past significant events but our future will have a different problem then the past. FOr years we have trashed the earth from oil spills, to trash in the oceans, to polluting the air beyond belief. We are now faced with the issue of what will the future be if we continue on this polluting path? For generations we have found ways to improve the future. But, over time the bad has continued to counteract and change the outcome of this situation.


Our future is more than one word, Future is the time that we all should strive for. Day in and day out we use to past to influence our future and morphe it into the dreams our ancestors would be proud. Future. What is that word to you? Well, your future is everything between you and the person next to you. You have the power to change the outcome for anyone. For instance years ago we thought there would be flying cars and advances way ahead of our time. But in reality we are coming up to one of the best opportunities our world has to offer. In the couple years they are starting a way to go to space for fun.

Years ago we would have pictured a far different approach than what our society has done. But every small advance is a huge step, from going to space, to facial recognition, and Elon Musk has helped change the face of our society

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What Does Your Future Entail. (2022, Feb 06). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/what-does-your-future-entail/

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