Essays on Vacation

Free essays on vacation provide readers with various ideas, tips, and insights on how to plan and enjoy their vacations. These essays cover different vacation types, such as beach vacations, adventure vacations, and family vacations. They also explore diverse destinations, both domestic and international, and offer practical advice on budgeting, packing, and making the most of one's vacation time. Free essays on vacation are a valuable resource for anyone looking to plan a memorable and stress-free getaway.
The Best Vacation Spots In The World
Words • 513
Pages • 3
​June and July roll around and the season begins to change. The plants grow bloomy and the sound of cicada is remarkably loud. Summer comes! There’s no reason to lay in bed on Sunday afternoon. Without hesitation, they head for Ocean City, Maryland to embrace the lovely summer. ​Hearing the call of nature, he runs toward the sea. When he steps on the tiny warm sand, he feels the grains of sand squish slowly through his toes. He slowly walks…...
Let the Sea Set You Free 
Words • 925
Pages • 4
For me, a location that best helps me relax is the beach, it is always calm and quiet with a steady cool light breeze coming of the ocean. The weather at the beach abides almost always beautiful, the sun is always shining, and the waves are always crashing. It is different than any other place; it always brings a bright adventure. I go to the beach to get away from all my problems and anxiety that is bringing me physically…...
The Year My Parents Went On Vacation
Words • 360
Pages • 2
A 12-year-old boy’s recognition of the events and eventual acceptance of their implications which happened during a supposedly trip by his parents summed up the 2007 Latin-American movie entitled “The Year My Parents Went on Vacation. ” With the 1970 World Cup and political situations in Brazil as backdrops, the Cao Hamburger movie reshuffled the social or cultural concepts of confusion and ordeal as viewed by a minor character named Mauro Stern played by young actor Michael Joelsas (“The Year…...
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