The Three Goals in Life After Half Hollow Hills High School West

Topics: Goals In Life

Revise the World, Be Yourself, Leave a Legacy

As I stand before you today I would like to discuss what school has meant to me throughout the time we have been here. school is a place for learning. Learning is more than memorizing formulas and facts. School taught us to become the individuals that we are today and to be proud of who we are. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters to what lies within us”.

This shows the past, and to acquire where our life takes us in the future. However, we would not be able to learn any of the following if it were not for the lessons that school has taught us. We have learned to accept ourselves, each other, and to embrace each our own abilities as students and humans in order to accomplish what ever goal we have set for ourselves.

School has given us the confidence to not fear the outside world.

It also provided us a comforting home to turn to when we needed to feel safe. As we look forward to the next step of our lives, we can feel confident on our future success. Half Hollow Hills has set the foundation for who we are and what we want to become. Of course, we did not acquire these valuable qualities from the buildings or chalkboards; we learned these lessons from the people reside here at High School West, most importantly from the teachers.

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Revise the world, Be yourself, and Leave behind a legacy.

These are the three goals that each of us should adhere to, as we move from Half Hollow Hills High School West. As we progress from the bubble of high school to the vastness of the real world I hope that we continue to remain true, change the world, and leave behind a story for generations to come. Leave a Legacy. Be so instrumental in our world today that a legacy trails behind your name when it’s uttered a hundred years from now. Some will argue that leaving a legacy is not the point of life, and I would say you’re correct. It’s not all about glory; we shouldn’t necessarily focus on making ourselves remembered. Instead, if you do something meaningful with your life, the legacy will come naturally.

But first, let’s think back, we have spent hours learning about some of the greatest historical figures. Think back to George Washington and MLK, both of whom endured adversity to stand up for what was right. They fought for their rights when they were rejected, and continued fighting even after losing battle after battle. Remember Copernicus and Galileo, both scientists endured blasphemous accusations and convictions of heresy. Their life’s research was shot down as fake, yet their findings changed the world.

Exactly, what qualities did they all share? Each of these spectacular figures set their mind on one specific goal, chased it to completion, and did as they pleased. They followed their ambitions despite whatever society would throw at them. Each of them led their unique abilities and wants to change the world. Even though some have disappeared for many years, they continue to live records today. Change The World. Much like the figures I mentioned earlier, change your part of the world through your differences, and through what makes you unique. In the words of Ghandi, “be the change you want to see in the world.” Make your dream a reality. Cause the whimsical thoughts, dreams, and ideas that float around in your mind to become a tangible reality.

The passion that comes with pursuing a dream is what will change the world. None of the people above allowed themselves to be sculpted into the plains of society. To cause change in the world, a person can not fill in to the flow. Be You. The world has an idea of what we should be. It has a mold that it wants us to assimilate into. It’s so rigid: do this, wear that, act like this, strive for that. But you can be different simply by breaking out of that predefined mold and being unique, because you are unique. These figures and countless others changed the world by sticking out. We can compare these values to join these masterminds! We can reach to the size of the future we have so far only dreamed of. Each and every one of you can go to great things, but remember: Be yourself, Revise the world, and leave behind a story.

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The Three Goals in Life After Half Hollow Hills High School West. (2021, Dec 14). Retrieved from

The Three Goals in Life After Half Hollow Hills High School West
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