The Scientific Revolution That Had an Effect on Many Aspect of Life in Europe

The scientific revolution was truly a tremendous turn in history. It had an effect on many aspects of life in Europe. Ideas about the outside natural world were questioned. In short the effect can be summed up in the idea that the perspective of the European as a human changed from being at the center of a very finite universe to being essentially a spec of dust in an infinite universe. Historians though have two varying ideas as to the nature of the origin of this revolution.

One school of thought is that the revolution had internal roots, where as the other school feels that it was an external phenomenon. The true reason is a combination of both.

In medieval Europe there was little experimentation or observation. Yet there was a curiosity, because of this curiosity and a strong religious devotion, logic and the bible were linked. The midlevel thinker thus had a distorted conception of truth. If an idea seemed logicaland did not conflict with the bible the idea was thought to be true.

Many of the renaissance thinkers were humanists, while none of the new scientists were humanists. Two separate scientific trends began as a result of the urge to learn that the renaissance brought about. The Mechanist movement and the neoplatonistic movement both originated from the renaissance. While both of these movements were essential to the scientific revolution, the Mechanist movement was more vital than the neoplatonistic movement. The mechanists laid the foundation for modern science by insisting on observable and measurable causes.

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The medieval man did of course have some interest in learning yet he had no intent on experimentation or tinkering. Theory was simply discussed. On the other hand there were those people during the Middle Ages who only tinkered with things and had no interest in theory. Although People of the Middle Ages saw no link between experimentation and theory, the Renaissance artist easily bridged that gap.

There were other internal motivations for the scientific revolution. There has always been an interest in gaining wealth because of this interest many people went into the field of alchemy, which over a long period of time evolved into the study of chemistry.

The motivation for scientific advancement was largely an internal European phenomenon. Much of the knowledge that was acquired came from outside of current European society. People went beyond the bible in search of ideas and the works of the Greeks and the Romans, obtained during the renaissance, were used as stepping stones for further European experimentation.

The scientific Revolution was a Major turning point of European Society, the sun became the center of the universe, and a new understanding of gravity emerged. While historians are in disagreement as to the origin of this desire to experiment, it is likely that both schools of thought are correct in some respect. The desire to learn came from an internal fire of curiosity that had been smoldering trough out the middle ages; It had simply been given extra fuel by the Renaissance. The Outside world of the classics provided much knowledge as a stepping stone for new and original European discoveries.

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The Scientific Revolution That Had an Effect on Many Aspect of Life in Europe. (2022, May 14). Retrieved from

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