The Issues of the Copyright Franchise in Brett Gaylor's RIP

This documentary explains the copyright franchise and what the laws have cased with in the general population To better organize the video and its points, Brett Gaylor, the director of the film, divides the ideas and the point of views with one side called the “CopleGHT” which stand for public corporations and the other side titled “CopyLEFT” representing the free flow of individuals’ ideas. Featured in the video is Girl Talk, an American DJ who specializes in mashups and who puts in to question how far one can with sampling with other artist songs without filling out the proper paper work.

Girl Talk explains that the United States obsession with protecting Intellectual Property is a battle over ideas where the internet is the new battle ground. Covered in the film are four points: The culture always builds on the past The past always tries to control the future Our future is becoming less free To build free societies you must limit the control the control of the past :DE‘UI‘J!” While watching the film I immediately thought of the critical approach.

This approach explains how there is an increase in social inequality, power of the brand, and covers the organization of the media and cultural industries, In the film, Brazil is put in to perspective since many of their artist use samples of each other, creating new forms of sound While having structure and a way to create music or videos is important, it limits the creations and imagination of people, especially since now in days everything is shared onlinet Once something is branded and placed for the public it becomes untouchable for many people, hence, the power of the brand, Neo populism, in the United States is the perception of the political elites as champions of the average working Americani There we see privatization, deregulation, and de-unionization, which, in broad-spectrum, it is great to have.

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The problem with that is the fact that only the rich and big corporations can afford to have law on their side, making the political system of copyrights one sided Take Radio Head for example, when they released their album online there was no price on it, the consumer decided how much they payed for the track or album, once the label found out they wanted to put a price on it and take the album down. Another example is the fact that only six companies own 90% of the media, them being General Electric, News Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS, this means that most of what we watch is put owned by large companies, in order for individual work to get known, without getting sued, one has to go through all the copyright laws that protect these major companies.

Copyright not only affects music, it affects film making, it affects all forms of creativity I thought of the interaction approach because music and films create a sense of social effervescence, but what happens is that most of our culture is then consumed by larger companies, limiting everything and everyone on their sense of originality Plagiarism plays a big part in academia, its aim is the protection of an authors work along with always giving recognition to the creator of the point of reference As a student, I have turned in papers online to sites such as Turnitinicom where they generate a percentage of how much ones work is based on someone else’s research. Although I have nothing to worry about when tuning in assignments there is always a part of me that thinks “what if someone already turned in a paper that is extremely similar to mine and my words seem unoriginal?”.

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The Issues of the Copyright Franchise in Brett Gaylor's RIP. (2022, Jul 10). Retrieved from

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