The Importance of Teachers in the Development of Children

Topics: Teaching

I believe that being a teacher is every special because being a teacher means that you have the ability to assist in shaping children’s lives. This opportunity to create an excitement about going to school and learning is something that some people shy away from and say they cannot imagine working with kids all day long, To me being around kids all day sounds like an adventure waiting to happen. I feel grateful for having the opportunity to be a part of a child‘s changing life and I want to try my hardest to make a positive impact on them, just like my kindergarten teacher did to me, My kindergarten teacher made the biggest impact on my life.

She is the reason why I have been dreaming for years and years about being a kindergarten teacher just like her. My kindergarten teacher made learning fun and I believe that making learning fun and approachable for students, and not something they will shy away from, is extremely significant in relation to their views about schoolt I find it is easy to compare children to different types of scientists.

Both young children and experienced scientists explore and ask questions differently than the next person, but they are all taking action and expressing their curiosity in a physical way I believe that children are naturally curious and excited about learning something new and learn best when they are able to engage their active imagination. By delivering instructions in a way where children can be hands-on in their leaning I think they will be more interested in the topic being discussed and it will create a more meaningful lesson.

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If a teacher is animated about the lesson and it expressing excitement towards learning it will stimulate students to feel similarly, I believe the strongest purposes of education include having students become interested in school and form positive connections with teachers and fellow classmates. Additionally, I believe that children are the best people to be around.

For me it is thrilling to be around children who are full of new questions, who openly share a lengthy story about Disney World three times in one week or who may not want to sit still in an uncomfortably hard blue chair all day but rather be outside in the grass searching for little critters with eight legs, It is moving to see a child be passionate about learning. I think that children‘s minds are constantly yearning for more knowledge. It is obvious in the way they act that their minds are hungry for fresh information that can assist them in a simple task during their everyday lives and even in the future. I admire how children are better at “living in the moment”, compared to stressed adults. Children have knowledge about the future but they do not let it overpower their knowledge for the present and it does not damper their happy-go-lucky mindset. Nonetheless, all children have certain needs that must be met if they are to grow and learn at their best, Some of these basic needs are life essentials, safety and security and love. I would meet these needs by promoting school breakfast and lunch and if a student is in a position where they are unable to pay then I would seek out assistance from my director to ensure the student ate at school so they can continue to be focused in class.

To make students feel safe and secure at school I would explain how we have fire drills and lockdown drills for their safety and we lock the doors that lead outside so no one can come in the building unless they go through the main doors and stop at the office. For the students to feel loved I would offer reassuring feedback in hopes for boosting their confidence, deliver unfailing suppose through triumphs and mishaps and engage in meaningful conversation . I believe that knowledge and physical skills that contribute to the success of a child directly are of the top most importance. The curriculum of any classroom should include certain “basics” that contribute to the children’s social, emotional, intellectual and physical development. These basics can be called self-helps skills, Some important examples are washing hands, tying shoes, playing in a large group, small group and alone.

They should also know that if they are unable to help themselves, teachers will always have the student’s best interests in mind and provide endless support for learning. All students should know that their teacher is there to encourage their blooming development in school, which is a safe place that they can ask questions and questions without the fear ofjudgment, Students learn best when they are in an environment that promotes leaning. I believe that good learning environments include windows to allow natural sunlight in, wall space to display student- made artwork, easy access to learning materials and a large rug or carpet to be used for circle time Every teacher brings special qualities to the classroom, Some specific qualities I think are important for teaching are dependable, creative, passionate, self-motivated and organized.

I have discovered that my teaching style is mainly identifiable to progressivismi I can relate with how progressivism focuses on the individual child and the belief that their interactions with other students are important. Also, students should be active and learn problem solving skills by reflecting on their experiences Along with those concepts from progressivism, I agree with the concepts from existentialism that emphasize the importance of the individual and emotional commitment to living authentically and stating that every individual has choices and we define ourselves through these choices, Now that I have found out what my philosophical orientation is I feel that I am capable of being a better teacher because I can relate these concepts to teaching, I can do this by giving positive feedback to individuals who succeed at a task and attention to those who may need more assistance to generate an encouraging environment.

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The Importance of Teachers in the Development of Children. (2022, Oct 19). Retrieved from

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