The Four Steps of the Cartesian Method of Rene Descartes

Topics: Rene Descartes

Rene Descartes (1596-1650) was a French mathematician and philosopher. (South University Online, 2015, para. 1). Rene Descartes came up with the Cartesian method, which is a four step method for analyzing philosophical ideas. The first step is “Never accept anything as true anything that can be doubted. Even a remote doubt is sufficient to require that a belief/assertion be examined.” (South University Online, 2015, para. 4). Many people will take this as a reason to doubt and question everything in philosophy. However, I disagree.

I would say Descartes is not doubting and questioning everything just for the sake of doubting and questioning. Noticed he said “that can be doubted.” This brings up an interesting problem, who can qualify to be the judge of “what is doubtable and what is not doubtable?” This highly arguable question creates a big problem for step one in the Cartesian method. Someone who understands a mathematical concept or theorem very well will never doubt it. Another who has never heard of the mathematical concept or theorem will have no problem doubting it.

The second step in the Cartesian Method is “Divide ideas/beliefs about which one is uncertain into as many parts as possible.” (South University Online, 2015, para. 4). This is like dissecting an idea. This can go on forever and loop back to where you first started. However, it could be a good learning process for those involved. This step is similar to brainstorming and grouping your ideas into different categories.

The third step in the Cartesian Method is “Proceed to examine each section of knowledge/belief step-by-step, even if these beliefs/ideas are not generally considered to follow from one another.

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” (South University Online, 2015, para. 4). This is a fairly logical step. Now days this step is easier than ever with the internet. Thank God I never had to do research in Rene Descartes day! Just imagine some library in the 16th century with no electricity, on a dark gloomy day. They probably had signs that said “please keep fire light torches away from flammable books.” Just a thought.

The Forth step in the Cartesian Method is “Be exhaustive! Review all beliefs for clarity and coherence.” Well this is easier said than done! But it is the next logical step. After you have exhausted all possibilities, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. I think it was Sherlock homes said it first, but I know Spock from Star Trek said it too. (as well as a few others). When all is said and done, I do not believe the Cartesian method will successfully answer many philosophic questions. For example, I do not see the Cartesian method answering Socrates philosophic questions like is the sole immortal.

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The Four Steps of the Cartesian Method of Rene Descartes. (2023, Jan 16). Retrieved from

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