The Factors Fueling Gender Inequality at Home

Gender inequality in the family setting is one complex area of key interest to feminist scholars, Whilst most people argue that women’s dependence and men’s social dominance is the root cause of gender inequality at home, most scholars believe that the family as an institution plays a key role in fostering the inequality. A recent study by UNICEF indicates that gender discrimination in the household roots from the patriarchal stance that tends to value more the social status of men compared [0 women, As per the survey conducted on a global scale, most men believe that women ought to be submissive to their husband’s authority on household decisions.

Nonetheless, economic affluence also fosters inequality gaps in family settings, Men tend to have a stronger say in the house owing to their large share of household assets and income in most families. This can be attributed to the limited incomes of women which renders them incapable of accumulating sufficient capital compared to their spouses.

As such, the strongest say in family decision-making tends to be vested men who are the key controllers of family income. Likewise, in some cases, this power is vested on the women who earn more than their spouses, Other factors fuelling gender biases in families include education levels where the more educated family member tends to have more control and power on family activities, It also influences the income of each individual which directly dictating the control one has on family issues. Age gaps between also play a key role in family gender inequaliLies.

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In most settings, the age difference favors men thereby granting them total control on family issues. As such, gender inequality in the family is quite a recurrent issue and ought to be tackled at all levels right from the economic level. One way of achieving this could possibly be through support and representation of diverse family issues at all levels, economic, education and any other applicable level.

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The Factors Fueling Gender Inequality at Home. (2022, Oct 25). Retrieved from

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