The Cost-Effectiveness of the Department of Homeland Security

Introduction Cost effectiveness simply relates cost to the results of an action. In the case of Department of Homeland Security, the department had made some significant improvement yet more emphasis was needed to steer the department forward as far as its objectives are concerned. The Government Accountant did an investigation to find the cost-effectiveness of the department and discovered that the Department was faced with poor resource allocation, difficulties in implementation of major programs and weak internal control system. Discussion In reference to Department of Homeland Security’s case, cost-effectiveness is important in ensuring that the resources are sufficiently allocated to all activities carried out to meet objectives of the organization.

With an application of cost-effective analysis, the department is able to make achievable real property management. It is possible for the Homeland Security to implement major programs through prioritization of events and resource allocation. Cost effectiveness analysis can also help in improving the acquisition function. Some of the strategies the Department needed to implement included Acquisition management and financial management.

Acquisitions management involves managing and overseeing the department’s missions such information technologies, ships among others. This was as a result of the department inability to account for the dollars spent in its missions. The assumption was that through the integration of the acquisition function, there would be a clearance of the ambiguity of whom and who is not responsible for certain expenditure at a particular time.

The other core strategy was financial management. It was as the result of weakness in internal controls and the inability of the department obtaining unqualified audit report.

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The department decided to implement a strategic plan for corrective actions over the affected areas especially the internal controls which had serious issues. The assumptions were that this will eliminate declaimer from the independent auditor and a qualified audit report would be obtained as a result of the strong internal control system. Masters of Administration Science from Fairleigh Dickson University has its strength versus weaknesses as well as opportunities versus threats.

The program strongly supports one’s academics through the flexibility of the classes and special tuition arranged for the students. However, its shortcoming is that this program is newly introduced in the university thus its course of study may be a bit harder for both instructors and students to adopt. The pursuit of this master’s program would open many chances among them being that graduates can work and interact freely with colleagues from English-speaking countries. Nevertheless, this program may be faced with stiff competition from the same programs offered in Spanish because they are more advanced and well established. The 2016 federal budget has proposed to be almost 4 billion US Dollars with the main source of revenue being individual taxes and social security taxes (Weisman & Davis, 2015). There have been increases in taxes from corporations and wealthy individuals.

This will facilitate the financing of education, infrastructure construction, and workforce development programs. According to the President of United States, these programs have been isolated for a long time. Furthermore, the same programs are the drivers of the economy. Also, there is need to revamp the department of Homeland Security. The security issue is paramount in an extra-large economy such as that of United States of America.


  1. Weisman J. & Davis J.H. (2015, FEB 2). Obama’s Budget Seeks to Loosen Austerity Reins. The New York Times. <>

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The Cost-Effectiveness of the Department of Homeland Security. (2022, Mar 08). Retrieved from

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