The Consequences of Greed in The Monkey's Paw, a Short Story by W.W. Jacob

The Monkey’s Paw

In what ways does the character in the story experience and overcome conflicts throughout the sequences of events in the story? Use specific references from the text to support your response. Being greedy can bring unwanted and dangerous consequences, as Mr. White for finds out in “The Monkey’s Paw”. “The Monkey’s Paw,” by W.W. Jacob is a short story that tells the story of the White family and their supernatural encounter with the monkey’s paw.

Throughout the story, Mr.White faces obstacle after obstacle, but defeats and overcomes these obstacles with bravery and determination. In the beginning of the story, The White family get a visit from an old friend called Sergeant Major Morris. Mr. Morris came to their house and explained how the monkey’s paw worked.

After explaining, he threw it into the fire ,but Mr. White fetched it from the flames and kept it. Once their visitor left, and once his wife and son go to bed, he is left alone, staring at the fire and faces started to materialize.

Then , “One face was so horrible and monkey-like, he stared at it in amazement.When he realized he was still holding the monkey’s paw he quickly put it down and with a little shiver, wiped his hand on his coat.” This shows that Mr. White experiences a supernatural obstacle with the paw. However, he is determined to wish for and receive his three wishes, so he shrugs off the supernatural encounter, which is how he overcomes the conflict.

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Nearing the climax of the story, Mr. And Mrs.White hear a knock on the door.

It turns out to be a man from the place where their son works, who bears the news of their son’s death. As a compensation from the company, the man delivers two hundred pounds, which is what Mr. White had wished for in his first wish. After a week has passed, Mrs. White remembered about the talismans and told her husband to wish for their son to come back. However, Mr. White does not think it is such a great idea. The last few bits of their argument are, ” ‘Wish!’ she cried in a strong voice. It is foolish and wicked,’ he stammered, hesitating. ‘Wish!’ repeated his wife.” Their argument is the second conflict that Mr.White goes through and this time it is with his wife He overcomes this conflict by being brave for his wife and wishing for his son to come back. Approaching the resolution of the story, after Mr. White wishes for his son to come back, him and Mrs.White wait a while, waiting for their son. However, after a while, Mr. White is relieved that his son had not come back. So he goes to bed and Mrs.White soon follows suit.

Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door and Mrs. White jumps up, anxious to see her son again. At this, Mr.White responds with ” ‘For God’s sake, don’t let it in!'”. Him saying that shows that he fears what is on the other side of the door knocking and that he believes that it could be very risky and dangerous to them to open that door. This presents another conflict that Mr.White has within himself because he must make the decision of seeing his son again or of send away his son away forever. Determined to keep him and his wife safe, the decision becomes clear for him and he wishes his son to go away, which is how he overcomes that internal conflict. To conclude, Mr. White is confronted with many complications throughout the short story, “The Monkey’s Paw,” but is able to overcome them with conviction and courage. The moral that can be obtained from reading the short story is that to never be greedy when you already have enough. And that moral can be applied to everything, from everyday life to politics.

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The Consequences of Greed in The Monkey's Paw, a Short Story by W.W. Jacob. (2022, Mar 09). Retrieved from

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