The Outsiders' Conflict: Rich vs Poor

The main conflict that occurs in the novel called “The Outsiders”, is Man vs Man. This novel tells a story about the rivalry between two groups, the rich kids called the Socs and the poor ones called the Greasers Ponyboy, our main character, is a Greaseri This friction that exists is explained in the first chapter of the novel when Ponyboy, was jumped by the Socs. To scare him, the Socs threatened that they will cut his throat, showing this conflict between the two groups, Man vs.

Man, is distinctly strong. One of the general themes that was explored in the novel called The Outsiders, is social class, More specifically, SiE. Hinton, the author, looks into the idea of ‘bridging the gap between rich and poor.

In the story, when Ponyboy meets a pretty Soc named Cherry Valance, they discover that they share the same interest in books and Sunsets They become friends afterward, showing that socioeconomic differences do not automatically create natural enemies, The gap between rich and poor, Socs and Greasers, could be closed by the sharing of passion and understanding, as the relationship of Cherry and Ponyboy shows, As the story goes, Ponyboy learns that even Socs, with their mustangs and fancy clothes, have hardship, although in different practical forms from theirsi This understanding that the main character shows, can be a resolution to the problem ‘bridging the gap between rich and poor, which is the theme of the novel.

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