Taking A Miracle  

Topics: Women'S Rights

From the moment that a baby is conceived a new life has started its journey to into the world. Within the first 72 hours of the sperm traveling through the fallopian tubes the zygote begins formation. This means a new life is on its way. In the Declaration of Independence it states “life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”This means that no one can take the right of living away from you. This right is violated everyday when people worldwide make the poor choice to abort fetuses.

According to www.worldometers.info/abortions/ as of January 1, 2019 it has been recorded that 3,517,000 abortions have taken place. Abortion can be considered murder. Although, to some it is looked at as the mothers choice. To others it is taking an innocent life of a child before it ever gets to the world.

Has our society come to a point to where doing something so inhumane is acceptable? Abortions can be handled differently with every case .

However, this does not make it right. Forms of abortion such as vacuum aspirations take place when the cervix is opened and the unborn child is suctioned out . This may not seem as horrific as it is , however these processes don’t always flow smoothly. The child will sometimes be dismembered upon removal . Is this really way of getting rid of something you got yourself into ? Deal with the consciences . It has been proven time and time again that the fetus although unborn still feels every minute of pain throughout the process.

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With this said not only does this end a miracle of life , it also damages the mother’s body . Sometimes it can cause a woman to become infertility. However, this seems to be Mother Nature’s way of speaking to man kind saying that if you could end a child’s life in a split-second decision, then you don’t deserve the privilege of being able to create another .

Another complication can be massive loss of blood to the mother . Not only do you put your baby in pain , but you put yourself at risk also . Abortions can lead to severe pain and infections . On January 28, 2019 a law was passed in New York . This law states the mother can terminate the baby up until the day of arrival. This law that has been passed isn’t really even logical . Why carry a baby for nine months just to end it’s life ? There are other ways to make it through this process without harming a life . Adoption has always been an option . There are plenty of willing,loving, capable families who would love to adopt. Some might argue that abortion can be reasonable in a case of maybe a woman has a child due to rape . However, as I stated earlier , adoption is always an option. People for abortion will also argue that pregnancies aren’t always at the right times . With this said if you are adult enough to have unprotected sex, then you should be adult enough to handle the consequences and responsibilities this comes with .

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Taking A Miracle  . (2022, Nov 08). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/taking-a-miracle/

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