Top Attachment Example: Sant Ocean Hall

The exhibit I chose at the Museum of Natural History that I felt related to attachment is known as the Sam Ocean Hall. It is known for its huge blue space and a giant whale located in the middle In this exhibit, they showed off the beauty of ocean creatures and sea mammals. I have always felt ocean life always had a unique way of communicating to each other and that they always had amazing attachment qualities. The way ocean life communicate inspired me to write about their attachment and the way their attachment relate to human attachment.

In one area> I found the dolphin and yellowfin tuna fish exhibit. In that exhibit, it explains on its plaque that they travel together, which is still unknown as to why they do that, According to further research, dolphins actually depend on relationships with other dolphins in order to survive. They’re extremely social creatures and travel in pods together. These pods can vary in size from two to over one hundred dolphins in one pod, alone.

It is also said that when pods meet other pods, they engage in a social-like greeting and actually renew their relationships. Dolphins look out for other dolphins, no matter what pod they’re in Its like when a human needs help, they go to other humans and look out for other humans because we’re all the same species and look after each othert Dolphins also have physical interactions with fellow dolphins often such as rubbing against each other or petting each other.

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Dolphins also swim very close to each other. While in a pod, dolphins communicate through their clicking and their whistling but there is a certain whistle that is to single warning and the pod will usually respond fairly quickly to help. This is similar to a crying infantt The crying is a different type of communication than normal to signify they need help and the caregiver will come and respond immediately, Similar to humans, dolphins also are very curious and open to other creatures. Dolphin attachment is similar to human attachment because of the way they rely on each other and their similar ways of communicating physicallyt.

They‘re also very similar in the way they take care of each other constantly,  Also at this exhibit, I found ottars. From my own knowledge, I know that sea ottars depend on each other to survive and will freak out if separated When asleep, they hold on close to each other so they don’t loose the other otter they’re attached to, This is similar to how some babies don’t want to separate from their mother and won‘t let go This is also similar to people who create a romantic attachment to someone after they have been treated wrongly and all they want is someone who will love them so they become almost too attached Otters are also similar to how apes clean each other, and apes are our closest relative; they will groom each other and take care of each other health wise. At the same time, otters are very independent which reminds me of humans because every person is independent in what they do and how they live and their personality styles, yet even though sea otters are independent, they still go back to their raft of otters, like a pod of dolphins and a human family at the end of the day.

Even though otters are very playful and social, at the same Lime, they aren’t like humans who can be social but keep to themselves, In conclusion, ocean creatures like dolphins and otters are very similar to humans in being independent yet dependent on others of their species They have /attachment to other people and have specific ways in communicating when being separated or when in danger, like a baby being left alone by it’s mothert This exhibit showed many other species that have very similar characteristics where they are dependent on their species and have attachment to others in their pod or family but can also life their own life independently and take care of themselves as they grow older, but they always have a pod or family to lean on that they grew with and stayed with their whole lives, just like humans.

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Top Attachment Example: Sant Ocean Hall. (2022, Sep 25). Retrieved from

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