Risk Assessment Using Bow-Tie Tool in Cement Industry

Topics: Risk Management


To analysis a hazard from the plant according to the bow-tie tool analysis in the cement industry. To analysis, the causes and effects in cement industry by using the bow-tie tool and study the cement industry by using the causes and effects of the cement industry. The cement industry, to visit covers the section of Raw material, blending, pre-heater, kiln, grinding, packing & shipping process. As well as hazard is possible were listed. Possible hazard and severity injuries were analyzed.

After analyzed the worker’s hazard and safety hazard table list were prepared, and possible are separate the hazard types. In the risk assessment, the most dangerous hazard is come out from the raw material process. Hazards are found in mostly kiln processes are dust, noise, and vibration.

Keyword: Hazard, Risk assessment, Ergonomics, Noise, Dust, Vibration.


Bow-Tie analysis has become a public heath priority in industry in country. Cement manufacturing is one of these industries (Rachid ET, al 2005). Cement is the most used for the construct the new or old building (except some countries).

Because, the cement is the one of the strongest and lifetime for buildings. And safety is important to the workers and environmental protection (T-W Jang 2011). During the cement industry various hazards are affected the workers especially dust particle are easily affected the cement workers. It causes lung, stomach, and etc., in the cement industry different types of production such as Limestone, Raw mill, Kiln, Packing. (Meo SA 2004)


Cement Manufacturing Process

Cement is that the fine powder mixture of cement in hydraulic compound atomic number 20 silicate, aluminium and alumina ferrites.

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Quite thirty raw mill, that area unit divided into four basic classes calcium, silica, aluminium, iron area unit acknowledged employed in cement trade (EPA 1994).

Cement producing method scrutiny on crushing, grinding material, oven burning and cement production essentially.

Cement Cement producing may be a complicated method that starts with the mining and so raw mill that embrace rock and calcined clay, and to a fine powder, like sand, quartz powder and fume known as raw meal. In the materials are heats with high temperature at 14500 C in very cement oven. During this type of method, the chemical bonds formation of atom, ions and molecules and the ionic bonds are sharing through the electrons in covalent bonds of the raw mill area unit de-escalated and they are recombined the new compounds in cement process. The result’s known as clinker, that area unit rounded molecules between 1000m and 2500m across. The pulverized cement is mixed with the water and construction aggregates to create concrete that will employ in the construction.

Problem Identification

The major drawback of the cement business is principally dirt particle. Within the cement business is principally through the method of the known the matter. There area unit following the hazards are:

  • Limestone Quarrying
  • Crushing plant
  • Clinker production
  • Raw Milling processes at raw mill building
  • Material transport
  • Filter process
  • Storage process
  • Loading the trucks
  • Fuel storage process
  • Use of hazardous material process
  • Generating units

In the pair of, main hazard business related to the cement producing method is in cement business. As shown within the Table a pair of. Primarily venturous area unit dirt has an effect on the employees. Noise venturous is together with edge, crusher’s motor (Zhang 2012).

Dust particles area unit the one in all the foremost venturous impact of cement business and related to the handle and the storage of raw mill like crushing and grinding of raw material, and the solid fuels, transportation of materials to the loading process oven system, clinker process, and mills, embody clinker process and lime stone burning and packing / cloth activities (IFC 2015). Packing within the most tried method for cement industries (AJ 2011).

Nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions area unit emitted by the from the heat method in oven method. Carbon Di-oxide outlined as greenhouse emission primarily related to the each fuel combustion method and Decarbonation method of stone (IFC 2007).

Typical injuries causes in the cement business area unit outlined as slips, and etc., (29%): falling or moving objects (19%) and lifting overload(18%) (Injuries by Causes) area unit the foremost ventures will happened within the cement business. seventy nine of fatalities area unit arise from three main causes are:


The cement manufacturing process is workers intensive and large scale industry or small scale industry on hazardous process (Mansfield 2002).Bow-Tie analysis for cement industry for the workers or labours, contractors, etc., to the operations (Tomar 2014).


The successful analysed the Bow-Tie tool for cement industry process. They are identifying the hazards and risk assessment the cement industry. And finally analysed the hazardous and the safety precaution or safety action.


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Risk Assessment Using Bow-Tie Tool in Cement Industry. (2019, Nov 16). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/risk-assessment-using-bow-tie-tool-in-cement-industry-best-essay/

Risk Assessment Using Bow-Tie Tool in Cement Industry
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