Regret: How it Affects People

Topics: Regret

Do you have regrets of decisions or choices you’ve made and does it affect you . In my life time I have made plenty of mistakes and choices and some of those I regret and some I don’t. Just like other people in there life times make choices and decisions that they didn’t like and regret. For me some of those decisions i have made i got over but the ones i didn’t get over I still have memories of that instant that I made that choice and for other people it’s not the same they punish themselves for their actions and they wish they did not do what they did.

I have had the effect of this regret on me where Macbeth also has his effect of regret on him in a different way. As well my interviewee Susan Sajadian had the effect of regret on her but not in as big of a way.

My decision I most regret from when I was younger.

Was the decision to send myself down the hill on a sled spinning and causing self harm in that I broke my collarbone. It put in such a state of regret and that fear because I never wanted to break a bone again and go sledding again because i was scared it would happen to me again. For the fear of breaking a bone again i did everything to make my bones stronger so they would not break so i drank an absurd amount of milk.

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The regret of my decision replays in my head still some times to this day where i can never accept the fact that I caused harm to myself. This regret and decision caused me to never want to go sledding ever again because I was in a state of fear of what could happen and I kept thinking about all of the what if’s that could happen to me and caused me to miss out some of the fun parts of being a kid. Like doing dum but fun and immature things with my friends because I was held back by that regret and fear of something happening to me because I never wanted that pain to be brought upon me ever again. I was never able to let the regret of that decision in that moment leave me.

Comparing Myself to Macbeth

Macbeth has his own choices he regrets like I do. But the regret of the choices he made take an even more extensive toll on him. Like when he was in such a shock after killing his king Duncan to take the throne he could not go back to the room were he killed Duncan to put back the dagger to frame the Guards. This shows the sheer amount of regret he had that he could not even do anything. Another incident where Macbeth had regret was in Act 3 scene 4 where Macbeth says “My lord his throat is cut; that I did for him.(Ghost of Banquo enters)” (Shakespeare 141). This shows that after hearing the choice he has done he has this regret and starts to punish himself just like I did when I committed my action regretted it i started to punish myself by recreating it. But the difference for him it was a much bigger decision that he made and he is envisioning the person which he affected by his decision and on the unfortunate side of his decision which seeing that haunted him. Also put him in a trance state of fear which made him scared of the choices he will make from now on. That Macbeth has a more scarce and serial amount of regret in comparison to Susan which is causing Macbeth to have all these visions of his regret and putting him in that trance.

Regret of Not Becoming a Nurse

Susan my interviewee also has regrets for some decisions she has made over her lifetime. Like she “regrets not continuing her education to go further and become a Registered Nurse instead of being a Registered Practical Nurse”. As well “I regret my decision to take useless courses when I was in college”. In this the regret affected her in that she would have memories of these decisions she made that recur when she thinks back and looked upon her life and the decisions she has made and has regretted over her life as a whole. In this it shows how Susan had a similar effect of regret on her as like me and Macbeth. But that i had a more severe reenacting of those decisions and moments and affected me in a much bigger way then it did to her. As well similar to Macbeth that he had these memories of the moments but for Susan it did not affect her in a big way and bother a whole much but for Macbeth he had a constant memory of his decision and ended up envisioning the person the decision most affected. That is how Susan regret affected her in comparison to me and Macbeth where her regret was not nearly as severe as Macbeth and less severe then mine.

People have the effect of regret in different ways for me it was recreating it. For Macbeth it was remembering it then envisioning it and for Susan Sajadian it was the thought and memory of the decision. These are just some of the effects of regret that can affect people, it is all based on how much you really regret the decision and the severity of your decision. You are not the only one has these feelings every has the feeling that they should not of done this or should have done that. Everybody has these choices and decisions that they feel they made the wrong choice and want to change it. But personally i think if you get to caught up in the past you will never be able to make the decision that you think is right.

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Regret: How it Affects People. (2022, Feb 04). Retrieved from

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